Swiss Suicide Clinics Kill Four People Every Week

Picture ~ But they have beautiful scenery

Dignitas is the best known–but certainly not the only–suicide clinic in Switzerland. It has now published its suicide statistics for the year, showing 205 died in its clutches last year–that’s about 4 per week! It reports that 1701 people met their end at Dignitas suicide houses since opening in 1998.

Dignitas’ rising toll coincides with the increase internationally in promoting suicide by assisted suicide advocacy organizations, as boosted by a supportive and in-the-tank media. The BBC even aired a video of a Dignitas suicide even though it violated suicide prevention guidelines of the World Health Organization.

Dignitas and other Swiss suicide clinics have helped terminally ill people kill themselves, disabled people kill themselves, and hosted joint suicides of elderly couples.

Not coincidentally, the Swiss Constitution recognizes the “dignity” of plants and outlaws flushing a living goldfish down the toilet.
