Denis Efimov
"Because so many otherwise faithful Catholics refuse to condemn the errors of Vatican II — which sought to make peace with the sinful world, and promoted the false ecumenism that gives rise to almost every error we see today — we collectively find ourselves in the position of begging God’s mercy to remove the disastrous fruits of a tree we insist on protecting. Everything we know about God and …More
"Because so many otherwise faithful Catholics refuse to condemn the errors of Vatican II — which sought to make peace with the sinful world, and promoted the false ecumenism that gives rise to almost every error we see today — we collectively find ourselves in the position of begging God’s mercy to remove the disastrous fruits of a tree we insist on protecting. Everything we know about God and salvation history should convince us that this willful blindness is virtually guaranteed to prolong the crisis."

The Growing Need to Condemn Vatican II’s Errors So We Can Combat Francis’s Heresies

“To promote ecumenism means signing a treaty of non-aggression, granting all religions citizenship in the great pantheon …