Aliens Are Real & Scarier than Your Worst Nightmare, Former CIA, Derrel Simms. www.youtube.com/watch Leak Project Very important info Meet Derrel Simms, former CIA Agent and Military. The world’s …More
Aliens Are Real & Scarier than Your Worst Nightmare, Former CIA, Derrel Simms.

Leak Project
Very important info
Meet Derrel Simms, former CIA Agent and Military. The world’s leading expert on alien abductions. His 38+ years of field research has focused on physical evidence, and led to his groundbreaking discoveries of alien implants and alien fluorescence. As a former military police officer and CIA operative, Sims has a unique insight to the alien organization which he believes functions similarly to an intelligence agency. Sims is also a compassionate and skilled therapist and Certified Master Hypnotherapist who has helped hundreds of alien contactees all over the world come to terms with what they’ve witnessed
Darrel Sims molestowany przez aliens jako dziecko do 17 roku życia a potem jego dziecko 6 letnie porwane... od tego czasu przeszedł do kontrataku!