Francis, the Catholic Church, and Homosexuality. Published on Oct 11, 2013 +J.M.J.+ Fr. Michael Rodriguez's talk about the grave sins of abortion, contraception, homosexuality; what the Catholic Church …More
Francis, the Catholic Church, and Homosexuality.

Published on Oct 11, 2013
+J.M.J.+ Fr. Michael Rodriguez's talk about the grave sins of abortion, contraception, homosexuality; what the Catholic Church teaches about these intrinsic mortal sins, and how they are a direct attack against God the Creator.
A brief summary: Contrary to some popularly voiced notions, the biggest problems facing the Catholic Church today (and consequently the world as well) are the need to restore right doctrine (truth), right morals (goodness) and right liturgy (man's absolute and primordial duty to worship God as God commands). With regard to right doctrine and morals, three of the gravest evils in the world today, which we need to combat with all our strength and energy, are the acceptance as "ok" of contraception, abortion, and homosexuality. Father explains why these are key issues that cannot be sufficiently emphasized today, especially since the truth which the Catholic Church must always teach is hardly known, explained, or defended (even amongst Catholics). As an example, Father summarizes the truth which the Church has always proclaimed regarding homosexuality. Although he provides just a few basic points on this matter, most Catholics would not be able to list or explain these points
la verdad prevalece
Uno de los insultos más comúnmente utilizado por los sodomitas en contra de la enseñanza moral de la Iglesia es señalarla como obsesiva, cuando los obstinados son ellos ya que el vicio de la sodomía produce ceguera espiritual y la obstinación en el pecado.
la verdad prevalece
Sodomites are the most vindictive people on the planet, they lash out in angry and with hatred harass you with obsessive revenge.
Thank you father for reminding God's and Church teachings...
God bless you..
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Fr. Michael Rodriguez's.
contraception mortal sinMore
Fr. Michael Rodriguez's.

contraception mortal sin
la verdad prevalece
Esta debe ser una de las razones por las que fue castigado con seis meses de año sabático.
la verdad prevalece
Tengo tiempo que no he escuchado este audio recuerdo que la primera vez que lo escuche me pareció bien acertado.