EWTN News Nightly - Full Show: 2019-08-22 On "EWTN News Nightly" tonight: White House latest: New poll numbers are out on President Trump's job performance and his handling of the economy. The Heritage …More
EWTN News Nightly - Full Show: 2019-08-22

On "EWTN News Nightly" tonight: White House latest: New poll numbers are out on President Trump's job performance and his handling of the economy. The Heritage Foundation’s Joel Griffith takes us inside the data. Plus: West Virginia's Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston installs its new bishop as a lawsuit against the former leader is settled. Also: We have analysis of the political chaos in Italy. Kishore Jayabalan, director of Acton Institute's Rome office, explains what role Catholic symbols are playing. And: Honoring Mary: Coptic Christians celebrate the annual Feast of the Virgin.