Bergoglio contradicts the Catholic doctrine on faith and morals

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Pope Benedict tells Pelosi: Catholics cannot back abortion
FEBRUARY 18, 2009 During the presidential campaign, US bishops accused Pelosi and then-Senator Joe Biden, now Vice President, of misrepresenting the Church's teachings on abortion. Biden is also Catholic. Both have said abortion is a personal decision.
Several days after his inauguration, President Barack Obama, with Pelosi’s support, …More
Pope Benedict tells Pelosi: Catholics cannot back abortion

FEBRUARY 18, 2009 During the presidential campaign, US bishops accused Pelosi and then-Senator Joe Biden, now Vice President, of misrepresenting the Church's teachings on abortion. Biden is also Catholic. Both have said abortion is a personal decision.

Several days after his inauguration, President Barack Obama, with Pelosi’s support, reversed a Bush administration ban on funding for groups abroad that provide abortion services.

“His Holiness took the opportunity to speak of the requirements of the natural and moral law and the Church’s consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death ...” a Vatican statement said.

It said such teaching “enjoins all Catholics, and especially legislators, jurists and those responsible for the common good of society, to work in cooperation with all men of goodwill in creating a just system of laws capable of protecting human life at all stages of its development,” it said.
la verdad prevalece
In Argentina Bergoglio betrayed the Church by playing on the enemy side while wearing a mask with a Catholic appearance. His tactic was to use a double language to suit each side.
la verdad prevalece
Anti-Catholic JMB: (Bergoglio) has responded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which returned power to regulate abortion to the individual states, saying he respected the decision, but had not studied it enough to comment on it from a juridic point of view. “I tell you the truth. I don’t understand it from a technical point of view,” he explained, adding, “I have to …More
Anti-Catholic JMB: (Bergoglio) has responded to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, which returned power to regulate abortion to the individual states, saying he respected the decision, but had not studied it enough to comment on it from a juridic point of view. “I tell you the truth. I don’t understand it from a technical point of view,” he explained, adding, “I have to study it because I don’t really understand (the details of) the ruling 50 years ago and now I can’t say whether it did right or wrong from a judicial point of view.” However, he said, “I respect the decisions.”
Angelo Clareno
Yup. Definitely pope.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's doublespeak: Argentinian: If You Try to Understand Francis, You Will Lose Your Reason
In the Fall of 2013 a well-known Catholic intellectual from South America, a highly recognized university professor, Lucrecia Rego de Planas, who knows Bergoglio well and who worked with him, among other things, gave a portrait of the man.
An open letter to Pope Francis from Lucrecia Rego de Planas …More
Bergoglio's doublespeak: Argentinian: If You Try to Understand Francis, You Will Lose Your Reason

In the Fall of 2013 a well-known Catholic intellectual from South America, a highly recognized university professor, Lucrecia Rego de Planas, who knows Bergoglio well and who worked with him, among other things, gave a portrait of the man.

An open letter to Pope Francis from Lucrecia Rego de Planas (an Argentinian):

“Bergoglio wants to be loved by everyone and please everyone. In this sense one day he will talk on TV against abortion and the next day he will bless the pro abortionist in the Plaza de Mayo; he could give a marvelous talk against the Masons (Masonic Order) and, an hour later, eat and drink with them at the Rotary Club.......this is the Cardinal Bergoglio whom I know close up. One day busy in a lively chat with Bishop Aguer about the defense of life and the liturgy and the same day, at dinner, having a lively talk with Mons. Ysern and Mons. Rosa Chavez about base communities and the terrible obstacles that are presented by the Church's dogmatic teachings. One day a friend of Cardinal Cipriani and Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga speaking about business ethics and against the New Age ideology and little latter a friend of Casaldaliga and Boff speaking about the class struggle and the "richness" of Eastern techniques which could contribute to the Church.” by Lucrecia Rego de Planas
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Bishop Schneider: By her ‘sacrilegious’ Communions, Nancy Pelosi is ‘eating her judgment’ With this silence and “de facto permission,” according to Schneider, “the Vatican, the Holy See and the pope are in this case approving this act. This is very grave.”