Tell Catholic University to CANCEL Assisted Suicide Lectures

While Chick-fil-A sandwiches are banned at Fordham University, a pro-assisted suicide advocacy group -- at odds with basic Catholic teaching -- is being freely welcomed to lecture on campus.

In fact, the Soros-funded, pro-assisted suicide group End of Life Choices New York will soon be co-hosting an event at Catholic Fordham on June 7, 2017.

That's why we urge every pro-lifer to send a clear message to Fordham, “The advocacy of euthanasia has NO place on a Catholic campus. It is sinful. Cancel the Culture of Death lecture on June 7.”

Click HERE to Sign your peaceful protest petition now.
Católicos Apostólicos
Diga à Universidade Católica que CANCELE as Leituras de Suicídio Assistido
Católicos Apostólicos
Powiedz katolickim uniwersytet, aby usuwać wspomagane wykłady o samobójstwie.
4 more comments from Católicos Apostólicos
Católicos Apostólicos
Erzählen Sie der katholischen Universität, nicht zu unterstützen Selbstmord Vorträge zu führen.
Católicos Apostólicos
Dites à l'Université catholique d'ANNULER les cours de suicide assisté.
Católicos Apostólicos
Dite all'Università Cattolica di ANNULLARE le Lecture Suicide Assistite
Católicos Apostólicos
Dígale a la Universidad "Católica" que CANCELE la clase de suicidio asistido.
Hugh N. Cry
It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world.