Cardinal Burke on SSPX. Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, talked to CNS about the ongoing reconciliation talks with the traditionalist Society of …More
Cardinal Burke on SSPX.

Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, talked to CNS about the ongoing reconciliation talks with the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X.
Clean out the churches of all disobedient modernist novus ordo priests, pastors and bishops! Only until then, will we see the "True Mass", the Tridentine Mass, take its appropriate place in all our churches. These modernist, pro homosexual, pro choicers have got to go!
Disobedience to what exactly? The SSPX questions Vatican II which was a Pastoral Council not a Dogmatic Council. And not only questions it decrees but also the consequences and interpretations of the Council and its effect on the Catholic liturgy which was "protestenized." Thank God for these men and other dedicated traditional priests and Bishops who uphold the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic …More
Disobedience to what exactly? The SSPX questions Vatican II which was a Pastoral Council not a Dogmatic Council. And not only questions it decrees but also the consequences and interpretations of the Council and its effect on the Catholic liturgy which was "protestenized." Thank God for these men and other dedicated traditional priests and Bishops who uphold the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church and the wise council of the Church Fathers.
Cardinal Burke speaks of obedience four times in this video,
and rightly so. The disobedience of traditionalists outside
the Church, and disobedience of dissenters within the
Church must cease. Rebellion can be compared to a fire;
it begins as a little flame but can quickly become an inferno.
holyrope 3
Thank you for this!!