
Priests Living in Fear of their Bishops

A priest recently revealed his belief that the Latin Liturgy prayed ad orientem focuses upon God and not the priest/people. He’s right, but revealing his belief was dangerous because it invited a question. He was asked if he would institute ad orientem worship in his parish. Sadly, he said no, citing lack of catechesis, that it will be poorly received, etc. in defense of this decision. When we know what is right, are we not supposed to do it?

There is a simple fact about catechesis: passing on the Faith requires the utmost care and precision. An ancillary fact is the oft quoted (and hardly ever cited) alleged statement of St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words.” If it is truly a question of catechesis and preparing the people for necessary changes, when can we expect to see some action? We do not see much, and when we do there often follows a significant backlash.
On Guard
Please tell us.....since when have the Bishops been given the title of "Deity". The Chain of Command in the Holy Catholic Church is from Priest, to Bishop, to Pope without any deviation from the "original" Catholic Principles. All, from priest to pope, should instruct the Faithful in the same Basic Teachings of Jesus Christ, our Founder. Only since Vat.II have we been allowed to even think about …More
Please tell us.....since when have the Bishops been given the title of "Deity". The Chain of Command in the Holy Catholic Church is from Priest, to Bishop, to Pope without any deviation from the "original" Catholic Principles. All, from priest to pope, should instruct the Faithful in the same Basic Teachings of Jesus Christ, our Founder. Only since Vat.II have we been allowed to even think about vacillating from Christ to Pope to Bishop for more "diplomatic" definitions of our Faith.
God Bless the seminarians who continue to adhere to the TRUE teachings of the Catholic Church. ALL Seminarians should study Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, more "Catholics" you will never meet!!!!