Abortion Curbs Save 9,800 Babies in Texas Over 9 Months || SW NEWS || 815 Vatican Press Office releases liturgical calendar of Pope for July and August The Vatican has published a list of Pope Francis’s …More
Abortion Curbs Save 9,800 Babies in Texas Over 9 Months || SW NEWS || 815
Vatican Press Office releases liturgical calendar of Pope for July and August
The Vatican has published a list of Pope Francis’s public Masses for the months of July and August.

10 people killed, 38 injured in 3 separate mass shootings in the United States
This week’s Independence Day celebrations in the United States coincided with a series of mass shootings across the country.

Pro-life groups slam Biden for politicizing Dept. of Defence
A coalition of pro-life groups is urging Republicans in the US House of Representatives to revoke a Department of Defense policy allowing female military personnel time-off and travel compensation to have an abortion.

Vatican-approved ethics guide for tech sector urges to build future judiciously
The Vatican has released a new ethics handbook for big business and the tech sector.

Biden administration seeks to inject dangerous ideologies into AI systems, warns watchdog
The White House is using artificial intelligence to promote a woke ideology.

Nine hurt in Tel Aviv attack after Israeli raids on Jenin refugee camp
A number of funerals are taking place in the Holy Land after two days of clashes between Palestinian fighters and Israeli troops in the Jenin refugee camp in Gaza.

2021 Texas abortion ban resulted in 9,800 extra live births
Restrictions on abortion in the state of Texas resulted in nearly 10,000 extra live births in eight months.

Over 150 Christians were killed in Nigeria’s Plateau state in June
At least150 Christians were killed in Nigeria’s Plateau state in the first three weeks of June. That’s according to the state’s governor.

Spanish archbishop points out issues deserving special attention ahead of polls
A leading Spanish cleric says the country’s politicians have to address the nation’s demographic decline.

Annunciation Byzantine Church in Illinois to host Fulton Sheen Rally on July 9
A rally to celebrate the life and legacy of the Venerable Fulton Sheen is to be held this Sunday in his home state of Illinois.