Montfort AJPM


1) I wasn’t going to post about my recent Covid diagnosis, but in light of what I’ve experienced, I felt compelled to now share. I tested positive in early January. Long story short, it felt like a decent case of the flu: Fever. Body aches. Sinus congestion. Headaches.

2) Luckily for me, I’ve got a physician in the family who’s absolutely incredible (give him a follow: @DrSamPappas ). He immediately put me on the following: an antibiotic (Doxycycline), a steroid (Prednisone) and an “antiviral” drug called Ivermectin.

3) Within 12 hours I went from barely being able to get out of bed to nearly full strength. It was incredible. In the days that followed I learned that the great majority of doctors in the US are not treating their patients with Ivermectin or similarly safe, highly-effective meds

4) I spoke to approximately 15 people in my circle of family & friends who’ve had Covid, and not one of them had even heard of the drug, let alone been treated with it by their doctor. They were basically left to suffer as their symptoms naturally ran their course.

5) Obviously a drug that works for me may not work for someone else. Our bodies are all unique. And I don’t want to make this a political discussion on the vaccine, etc. I think we’ve all had enough of that.

6) But while people decide for themselves whether or not they want the vaccine, they should at least be aware that there are medicines available right now that are proven to be safe and highly-effective against Covid.

7) That’s all I’ve got. I hate tweet threads so please forgive me for this one :). Just felt compelled to share so that people who get Covid know they have potential treatment options. Hope everyone stays healthy.

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No, and you didn't mention that you can't test for a "virus" that has not been again the CDC's information on the PCR test and how inaccurate it is especially in the hands of those medical personnel who use over 35 test cycles. Come on, doc, your a physician....information is available to you just like any other person on this planet...if you're interested.
Cuthbert Mayne
Sounds like an excellent doctor who doesn’t know the difference between an antibiotic (doxycycline) an anti viral ( ? Non mentioned here) and an anti parasitic agent ( ivermectin).
studies so far have shown Dexamethasone 6 mg daily NOT prednisilone that has benefit.
There are no RCT offering any evidence so far for ivermectin use in Covid-19 and it’s hard to conduct a reasonable drug trial as most …More
Sounds like an excellent doctor who doesn’t know the difference between an antibiotic (doxycycline) an anti viral ( ? Non mentioned here) and an anti parasitic agent ( ivermectin).

studies so far have shown Dexamethasone 6 mg daily NOT prednisilone that has benefit.

There are no RCT offering any evidence so far for ivermectin use in Covid-19 and it’s hard to conduct a reasonable drug trial as most people get better with simply no treatment at all, or some ( as in my case) with simple paracetamol for aches and pains and fever. I had my symptoms for two days only. I tested positive via lateral flow ( home test ) then PCR test to confirm and now I have antibodies against Sars-Cov2 too.

And did I mention I’m a physician
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