
Voices crying in the wilderness over Pope Francis document

April 8, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Here we go again, having to publish unpopular views about yet another action by Pope Francis, a pope more heavily praised by the secular world than any other in history, it seems, and a pope who is especially lauded by all Catholic Church progressives and other progressives such as Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders. This has happened so often now that we at times feel like voices crying in the wilderness whom relatively few understand.

John the Baptist, was the person whom that description of a “voice in the wilderness” was applied to in scripture. He was compelled, for love of God and the truth, to publicly castigate King Herod for divorcing his wife and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother. God’s Ten Commandments simply did not permit it.

Herod did not want to hear what he knew was the truth, but worse, his new, illicit wife and her daughter, perhaps comparable to today’s radical feminists, wanted the Baptist’s head for his boldness in discomforting them – and they got it.

Official response of Bishop Athanasius Schneider to Amoris Laetitia

So, we are treading on sensitivities that cause ferocious reactions from those who have much invested in a loosening of the Catholic Church’s over 2,000 years’ old moral teachings.

Those moral absolutes have been nothing less than Jesus Christ’s – God’s - teachings – for all time.

The Catholic Church is understood to be the most influential and last bastion in the world still in the way of the New World Order in which all those supposedly out-of-date teachings can no longer be permitted to be so absolute, if even taught at all.

As we are now seeing in so many stories on LifeSite, there are many things that the world insists we no longer have any right to even say anymore. That is because they upset certain people. And that is now considered to be a crime punishable by hateful harassment, firing from jobs, large fines and even criminal charges. Truth is no longer considered a defense

The errors of Amoris Laetitia

It is said that the world has dramatically changed and history and Natural Law no longer apply. Everyone has to quickly move along and get with the modern world - population control, the climate change agenda, the sexual revolution and a complete revamp of the world's economic systems to facilitate forced transfers of wealth. People are supposedly no longer capable of adhering to the demanding, old-fashioned, traditional Catholic religion.

When we received a copy of the “The Joy of Love”, a quick read revealed of course many praiseworthy, strong and inspiring affirmations of Catholic teachings, but it also revealed more than a few clearly problematic statements – time bombs, that will certainly be exploded by those who have been anticipating such opportunities.

Having now observed the reactions and outcomes of many similar Francis items, it has become almost Second nature to understand how certain ambiguous, imprecise, incomplete or oddly worded statements will play out in the real world.

The main analysis emphasis for truly honest and faithful reporters has become, what will those who read or hear these statements and documents actually do with them? What will be the main focus of reactions and the actual impact on the world?

That is the most important effort that should be undertaken, in our opinion, related to any of these documents and statements by Pope Francis. That is, the overall content is less important than the actual impact on the faith, on culture, on the world, which might result from only small parts of the content or from one or two sentences in a dialogue.

The danger in being the first to stop clapping

In the third year of the Francis pontificate, it has become fairly easy to predict these outcomes, because the same patterns have repeatedly occurred.

The ambiguous statements, the statements that do not contradict Catholic teaching, but which are also missing necessary related hard teachings and essential clarifications to questions that are certain to be asked – those are the ones that always get the most attention, such as, "Who am I to judge?"

They are interpreted to have finally opened previously always closed doors. They generate the most reaction and are cited all over the world by the media, by progressive Catholics, and by an astonishing number of non-Catholics, to justify behaviors and changes that totally contradict fully explained, related Catholic teaching.

See the fascinating collage of many news headlines on One-Peter-5 that provides evidence of the predicted inevitable response to "The Joy of Love."

At the same time, many faithful Catholics are determined to see only the predominant orthodox statements. They make it harshly known that they consider any criticism to be disrespectful and malevalently belittling the supposed greater positive impact of those boldly stated orthodox teachings by Francis.

To them, Pope Francis' strong orthodox statements should cause any critics or doubters to accept that everything else in the statement or document must be positively interpreted, with the assumption that Francis could only have intended this or that orthodox point. All else is sensational, slanderous speculation unbecoming a Catholic.

So, it seems to be a lose-lose for us at times, as it seemed for John the Baptist.

Still, we will continue to report what our faithful readers expect us to report – the truth, especially the truth that most others would prefer to ignore or perhaps just don’t see.

We will continue to be trustworthy, always respectful reporters on these controversial developments – for love of truth and for love of God.

See related articles:

Wildly divergent reactions to Pope’s exhortation: a study on the results of ambiguity

Pope Francis opens door to Communion for ‘remarried’ Catholics in landmark exhortation

Catholics cannot accept elements of Pope’s exhortation that threaten faith and family

The Pope’s confused message undermines his own pastoral program

Pope Francis condemns abortion, euthanasia, same-sex ‘marriage’ in exhortation
Various bishops have encouraged us to act now to assist the Church. “It is the time of the laity,” Bishop Schneider told us, regarding the hour of crisis in the Church.
We need to speak up and to pray and fast like never before. The faithful bishops and clergy need us to do so.
The choice of many Church authorities to pull back from teaching the truth about the eternal consequences of the sins …More
Various bishops have encouraged us to act now to assist the Church. “It is the time of the laity,” Bishop Schneider told us, regarding the hour of crisis in the Church.

We need to speak up and to pray and fast like never before. The faithful bishops and clergy need us to do so.

The choice of many Church authorities to pull back from teaching the truth about the eternal consequences of the sins of abortion, contraception, and homosexuality have not only caused mass confusion in the Church, it has led to all kinds of atrocities, the most grievous one being the loss of souls.

Pope Francis believes the Church to be over-focused on the moral matters which plague our generation. In truth, we hardly ever hear homilies on contraception, abortion, homosexuality, and the rest. Catechesis on chastity and modesty has been dismal to non-existent.

What do we hear from many of our clergy, and even today from the Pope? Often the very same “values” preached incessantly by the secular world – gun control, unfettered immigration, vague calls for "non-discrimination," combating climate change, and ending the death penalty.

While Catholics of good will can certainly debate these issues, we tread down a dangerous path if the Catholic Church seeks to curry favor with the world by emphasizing only popular causes, and ignoring the "hard" teachings of Christ and his Church.

Therefore, let us lovingly and respectfully plead with our spiritual leaders, including our Holy Father, to embrace the hard teachings of Christ, despite their unpopularity.

They must be urged to embrace the heavy cross, following in the footsteps of Our Lord. We must pray earnestly, with fasting, that they “preach the word: be urgent in season, and out of season: convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching” (2 Tim. 4:2).

We have nothing to fear, the battle is the Lord’s and He has already won. We are on the winning team, despite what the situation may look like. Ours is but to do our best to carry out the will of God in our lives and accept even with thanks all the circumstances He sends our way.

As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said in his Easter Homily in 2012, the Resurrection of Jesus assures us that: "Life is stronger than death. Good is stronger than evil. Love is stronger than hate. Truth is stronger than lies."

Your donation today allows us to spread the truth to millions. Thank you for your support in this most awesome mission!
John-Henry Westen
Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder, LifeSiteNews.com

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Pope Francis spoke yesterday at a pastoral congress on the family for the Diocese of Rome, and his remarks are causing consternation among faithful Catholics. In off-the-cuff remarks, the pope made the dual claim that the “great majority” of Catholic marriages are “null” – in other words, not actual marriages – and that some cohabitating couples are in a “real marriage,” receiving the grace of …More
Pope Francis spoke yesterday at a pastoral congress on the family for the Diocese of Rome, and his remarks are causing consternation among faithful Catholics. In off-the-cuff remarks, the pope made the dual claim that the “great majority” of Catholic marriages are “null” – in other words, not actual marriages – and that some cohabitating couples are in a “real marriage,” receiving the grace of the Sacrament.

“I’ve seen a lot of fidelity in these cohabitations, and I am sure that this is a real marriage, they have the grace of a real marriage because of their fidelity,” he said.

The Vatican has provided video of the full remarks by the Pope as well as a fulltranscript of his remarks. In the transcript, however, the words of the Pope as heard clearly in the video (at 1:14:20) are changed from saying the “great majority” of Catholic marriages are null, to “a part” of them are null.

Pope Francis: Most Catholic marriages are null, some ‘cohabitations’ are ‘real marriage’

By John-Henry Westen
One more comment from ľubica
The official Vatican transcript of controversial remarks made by Pope Francis this week, in which he speculated that the “great majority” of Catholic marriages are in fact invalid, significantly alters his words.
While a video of the pope’s remarks show clearly that he used the Italian words “grande maggioranza” (great majority) to indicate the proportion of marriages that he believes are “null …More
The official Vatican transcript of controversial remarks made by Pope Francis this week, in which he speculated that the “great majority” of Catholic marriages are in fact invalid, significantly alters his words.

While a video of the pope’s remarks show clearly that he used the Italian words “grande maggioranza” (great majority) to indicate the proportion of marriages that he believes are “null,” the official Vatican transcript changes those words to the more measured “parte” – i.e. a part, portion, or some.

Yahoo News reports that a Vatican spokesperson stated that the Pope’s words may at times be altered in official transcripts, “after consulting with him or among aides,” in the words of Yahoo News.

Vatican transcript alters Pope’s bombshell remark on validity of Catholic marriages

By John Jalsevac