Gesù è con noi
Headlines—October 11, 2018 Francis Knew About Vatican Cardinal Attending Drug-Fueled Gay Sex Party Cdl. Francesco Coccopalmerio reportedly told by police to leave to avoid arrest. www.lifesitenews.com …More
Headlines—October 11, 2018

Francis Knew About Vatican Cardinal Attending Drug-Fueled Gay Sex Party
Cdl. Francesco Coccopalmerio reportedly told by police to leave to avoid arrest.


Cdl. Sean O'Malley Wants NY Bishop Investigated
Bp. Ricard Malone lied about the number of accused priests in diocese. FULL STORY
Francis Confuses Faithful Over Mary's Perpetual Virginity
Francis' comments contradict Church Fathers teachings that Mary vowed to lifelong virginity. FULL STORY
Fundraiser Started for Mark Judge
Judge lost publishing contracts after Christine Blasey Ford's accusation. FULL STORY
Children Praying Rosary to Change the World
Million Kids Praying event is planned for October 18. FULL STORY