
Prideful Men instead of Holy Religious:

Prideful Men instead of Holy Religious:

Our Lady of Lasalette Pray for us:
While the Church suffers an agonizing painful death under the new watered down Vat 2 council theology, her Prideful champions continue to carry her death call forward.
The number of Religious Vocations has dramatically dropped. Catholic Seminaries , and Schools have closed, in the past 4 decades as if a plague was enveloping the landscape. Entire Dioceses have gone bankrupt. Catholics on a Diabolical scale no longer attend Mass, or believe in the Sacredness of the Holy Mass.
An entire generation has not been taught the Faith or worse, have been UNTAUGHT the Faith. These prideful men, and women refuse to teach the faith of our forefathers, and so we die. A LIE does NOT give life. The Religion of man is being championed from the highest places, and Faithful Catholics plead to God for Mercy Mercy Mercy on our Souls, and the Souls of our Children..

Meanwhile The Champions of this death call, just bang their drums louder, and louder to drown out our cries...
Dear God Help us
Holy Mary Mother Of God: Pray for us
St John Neumann Pray for us

One of those Catholics crying in this desert is Mr. Voris This video should be played for the Pope and his new super 8 . Holy Father your children are dying.

Forgive us Jesus
