NY Bishops go YouTube. Isn't NY Gov. Spitzer the ultimate creep ? Back when he was still doing flashy prosecutions I already disliked him. NY is already the abortion capital of the nation, but that …More
NY Bishops go YouTube.

Isn't NY Gov. Spitzer the ultimate creep ? Back when he was still doing flashy prosecutions I already disliked him. NY is already the abortion capital of the nation, but that schmuck had to introduce even more radical legislation.
No one has the "right" to murder a human being!
The pro-death people use terms suchs as"reproductive health"?....what is killing an innocent human being have to do with "reproductive" health"? Killing is NOT Reproducing!!
We see how those who do not love nor follow God's laws make up their own definition of "reproductive" in hoping this new definition will make abortion killing sound less than what …More
No one has the "right" to murder a human being!

The pro-death people use terms suchs as"reproductive health"?....what is killing an innocent human being have to do with "reproductive" health"? Killing is NOT Reproducing!!

We see how those who do not love nor follow God's laws make up their own definition of "reproductive" in hoping this new definition will make abortion killing sound less than what it REALLY is..something "good" for the woman.....AND THEY KNOW IT IS MURDER!

Webster's dictionary...for REPRODUCTIVE....

capable of reproduction...the act or process of reproducing..a sexual process and its subsequent growth and differentiation into a new individual.

pray to save the babies...pray for those in darkness!