Dr K. Bowring, theologian speaks about Maria Divine Mercy. Concerning “Maria Divine Mercy”, Pope Francis, and the False Prophet by Dr. Kelly Bowring Dr. Kelly Bowring is a Catholic theologian and …More
Dr K. Bowring, theologian speaks about Maria Divine Mercy.

Concerning “Maria Divine Mercy”, Pope Francis, and the False Prophet

by Dr. Kelly Bowring

Dr. Kelly Bowring is a Catholic theologian and author of best-selling Catholic books such as “The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph” and “The Great Battle Has Begun”.)

The messages of Maria Divine Mercy (MDM), which she is reportedly receiving from heavenly sources, are plausible. I have examined all the messages, as well as all of the published evaluations and criticisms of her messages… and have not found them to establish a single error in her reported messages. And the negative evaluations of MDM posted by critics to date have been, at best, inconclusive and unconvincing.

I have not found that her messages contradict any doctrine, or that they contain an actual error.

On the other hand, several of her prophecies have been fulfilled, and her messages are congruent to the other related legitimate sources of prophecy being given in these times.

As well, the Crusader Prayers of Maria Divine Mercy are in the same status as her reported messages, as stated above, and thus, it would seem that it is permissible to pray them.

So, in summary, the Church faithful may read and spread MDM’s reported messages and pray her prayers.

Criticizing and Disobeying a Pope

We might ask whether it is ever acceptable to criticize the Pope. The answer is ‘yes’. An example of this was done in Scripture by St. Paul who confronted Pope St. Peter, writing about the encounter saying: “And when Cephas (Pope St. Peter) came to Antioch, I opposed him, before everyone, to his face because he clearly was wrong” (Galatians 2:11-14).

St. Thomas Aquinas confirms, saying: “There being an imminent danger for the Faith, prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects.” Explaining the correctness of resisting wayward ecclesiastics, even popes, St. Augustine writes, “It is possible for subordinates to have the boldness to resist their superiors without fear, when in all charity they speak out in the defense of truth.” The Popes themselves teach this. Ven. Pius IX said: “If a future pope teaches anything contrary to the Catholic Faith, do not follow him.” Even if the many should follow the Pope into heresy, and “Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ,” says St. Athanasius. St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J., even wrote as follows:

“Just as it is lawful to resist the pope that attacks the body, it is also lawful to resist the one who attacks souls or who disturbs civil order, or, above all, who attempts to destroy the Church. I say that it is lawful to resist him by not doing what he orders and preventing his will from being executed.”

Time will make this matter more clear.

May the Lord continue to guide us in His truth and in faithfulness to His Church and loyalty to the Pope.