Did Israel's "messiah" reveal himself to the world on Passover? This video was mirrored from wallytron101 channel. The original video's link is given below: youtube.com/watch?v=IBIbTQt38fM This would …More
Did Israel's "messiah" reveal himself to the world on Passover?

This video was mirrored from wallytron101 channel.

The original video's link is given below:

This would match a prophecy by Soshani and Yossi and even some from the Talmudic times when Israel was exiled to Babylon.

Israel's government has now encountered stalemates in 4 elections and according to this prophecy, on the Sabbath following the last failure, this messiah would reveal himself.

Remember, Satan will follow the pattern given to us by Jesus. This man knows the Torah better than any other Rabbi - just as Jesus did. He will not become the antichrist until Satan is cast down and enters into the person who will eventually become the antichrist - just as the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus at the start of His ministry. Before that time, it was not yet "Time" for Jesus to begin His ministry.
I am not saying this is definitely the antichrist, but the fact that he knows the Torah by heart - better than any other Rabbi and that he is so revered by Israel, would put him in line to be a prime candidate for the position of "messiah" or the idol shepherd that the Bible speaks about.

We are in the very last days before the Tribulation starts and before those who will be Raptured will be removed from the earth.
