fauko _
Child of Our Lady
Ask that apparition to say the holy names of Jesus or Mary & I guarantee you it can't.
Jo Santoss
The local bishop? That's News to me. Where did you read that? Because it was neither condemned nor refuted by the church. It is still under investigation by the Vatican. So how do you guys know more than those actually investigating it on the ground. How do you explain the healings, the conversion of those that have gone there. Reputable priests that have gone? Something amazing happened there, that …More
The local bishop? That's News to me. Where did you read that? Because it was neither condemned nor refuted by the church. It is still under investigation by the Vatican. So how do you guys know more than those actually investigating it on the ground. How do you explain the healings, the conversion of those that have gone there. Reputable priests that have gone? Something amazing happened there, that is a fact. Whether these people are still receiving messages or not I do not know, but to dismiss it out of hearsay or some video you watched claiming it's a scam. Remember santan works through "well meaning" people as well as those that hate us.
Jo Santoss
The Vatican has NOT condemned Medjugorje. That is from a exorcist priest in our parish I'll believe Him.
Jo Santoss
As I said originally the original appearance I believe was real I do not know about the rest nor do I think they are important, but the conversations and healings are very real. What is more important the salvation of souls or who's making a buck??? I couldn't care less about someone making money of off it, what matters are those that find Jesus there and return to Him.
Defeat Modernism
I can't believe people still follow this false apparition that was condemned by the local bishop! Our Lady is NOT appearing there Medjugorje: Truth or Apostasy?