Priest and 20 Christians kidnapped in Syria. euronews on Oct 7, 2014 A priest and a number of Christians have been kidnapped near Syria's border with Turkey. The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem says …More
Priest and 20 Christians kidnapped in Syria.

euronews on Oct 7, 2014
A priest and a number of Christians have been kidnapped near Syria's border with Turkey.

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem says that Franciscan Father Hanna Jallouf was abducted in the Christian village of Knayeh in Idlib province by brigades linked to the Islamist Nusra Front - the local branch of al Qaeda.

Since the kidnapping on Sunday night there has been no news. Some 20 Christians are believed to have been taken.

Several nuns are said to have taken refuge with local people.
We ought to pray! Pray the Holy Rosary! Such solemn times for the servants of God should be times for greater prayer and for greater devotion to the Rosary! A great reward in heaven will be given to those who suffer persecution or death for the sake of their religion. Our Lord says, "Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven" (Matt. 5:11-13).
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We ought to pray! Pray the Holy Rosary! Such solemn times for the servants of God should be times for greater prayer and for greater devotion to the Rosary! A great reward in heaven will be given to those who suffer persecution or death for the sake of their religion. Our Lord says, "Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven" (Matt. 5:11-13).

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Jésus Fils de Dieu
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🙏 🙏 🙏 Prions la Vierge Marie et n'oublions pas Saint Michel Archange.
Ô glorieux Saint Michel, vainqueur du dragon infernal, puissant Chef des armées célestes. Daigne nous protéger de ton épée glorieuse pour que nous aussi puissions en ce monde vaincre le malin et ses cohortes du mal.
Ô glorieuse épée de Saint Michel, viens à notre secours; défends-nous et …
🙏 🙏 🙏 Prions la Vierge Marie et n'oublions pas Saint Michel Archange.


Ô glorieux Saint Michel, vainqueur du dragon infernal, puissant Chef des armées célestes. Daigne nous protéger de ton épée glorieuse pour que nous aussi puissions en ce monde vaincre le malin et ses cohortes du mal.

Ô glorieuse épée de Saint Michel, viens à notre secours; défends-nous et couvre-nous des rayons de la puissance céleste pour que la lumière de tes rayons aveugle Satan et le soumette sous nos pieds.

Ô bien-aimé Michel, que ta glorieuse épée vienne à nous spirituellement par la grâce de Dieu pour que unis à toi et à l’armée céleste nous disions d’une seule voix : Qui est comme Dieu, personne n’est comme Dieu.

Ô Glorieuse épée de Saint Michel : des embûches du malin, protège-nous. Dans l’obscurité et les ténèbres, éclaire-nous. Des tentations du démon, sauve-nous et défends-nous dans la bataille spirituelle de chaque jour.

Ô glorieuse épée de Saint Michel, soit notre protection la nuit et le jour, pour que nous aussi l’armée militante nous battions de la face de la terre Satan et ses démons qui cherchent notre chute pour nous voler l’âme.
Alléluia! Alléluia! Alléluia!
Priest seized by Qaeda-linked rebels in Syria 'freed'
Jerusalem (AFP) - A priest kidnapped by Al-Qaeda-linked rebels in northwestern Syria was released on Thursday, the Franciscan Order said, days after his abduction alongside 20 other Christians.
"Father Hanna Jallouf has been released this morning... he is under house arrest at the convent of Qunyeh," the order said in a statement, without providing …More
Priest seized by Qaeda-linked rebels in Syria 'freed'
Jerusalem (AFP) - A priest kidnapped by Al-Qaeda-linked rebels in northwestern Syria was released on Thursday, the Franciscan Order said, days after his abduction alongside 20 other Christians.
"Father Hanna Jallouf has been released this morning... he is under house arrest at the convent of Qunyeh," the order said in a statement, without providing further details.
Rebels linked to Al-Nusra Front -- Al-Qaeda's Syria branch -- abducted Jallouf along with 20 Christians on Sunday in the village of Qunyeh, near the Turkish border, the order said.
A local Syrian activist said Al-Nusra had been trying to take charge of some of the Franciscan properties in Qunyeh, prompting Jallouf to complain to a religious court late last week.
Al-Nusra rebels have seized control of several Christian and Muslim villages in the area during the course of Syria's three-and-a-half-year civil war.
The Franciscans, a religious order within the Catholic Church, have 19 people working across Syria, where the order has operated for 800 years. They have been working in Qunyeh for 125 years, the activist said.
Kidnapping is rife in Syria, with all sides accused of abducting people.
Civilians have often been targeted for ransoms, while extremist groups such as Al-Nusra and the Islamic State organisation have held journalists, aid workers and soldiers, as well as civilians and rival opposition fighters.
In August, rebels on the Syrian-held sector of the Golan Heights, including Al-Nusra, kidnapped more than 40 Fijian UN peacekeepers. They were released two weeks later.
(ANSAmed) - ROME - A Syrian parish priest and some 20 other Christians have been abducted in the northern Syrian village of Knayeh close to the border with Turkey, Catholic news agency Fides reported on Tuesday, quoting bishop Georges Abou Khazen, Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo for Latin rite Catholics.
The bishop was quoted by the news agency as confirming the …More
(ANSAmed) - ROME - A Syrian parish priest and some 20 other Christians have been abducted in the northern Syrian village of Knayeh close to the border with Turkey, Catholic news agency Fides reported on Tuesday, quoting bishop Georges Abou Khazen, Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo for Latin rite Catholics.
The bishop was quoted by the news agency as confirming the abduction of Father Hanna Jallouf OFM, Syrian parish priest in the village of Knayeh, who has been kidnapped with some 20 Christians. The collective abduction, Khazen added, occurred in the night between Sunday, October 5 and Monday, October 6.
A Franciscan nun, Sister Patrizia Guarino, is among clerics living in the village of Knayeh, the Apostolic Nuncio in Syria Mario Zenari told ANSA on Tuesday. But 80-year-old nun is reported as safe and residing with a family in the village of Knayeh, sources from Rome's General House of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary announced on Tuesday.
Father Hanna Jallouf, the abducted Syrian priest, was one of two parish priests in the area of Knayeh, where some 700 Catholic families live. Three Franciscan nuns, like the priests, also live in the village and are in charge of a youth centre and a dispensary. Among them is Sister Patrizia.
Up until last Christmas, Knayeh was under the control of ISIS militants, who had imposed a number of limitations on Christians, including the removal of crosses over churches, a ban on ringing church bells, covering statues and an obligation for women to cover up with the Islamic veil. Then Islamic State jihadists then moved further east and were replaced by al Qaeda militants from Al Nusra. Recently, militants in charge of the village had seized Father Jallouf's passport.
The Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land confirmed allegations claiming the abduction of Hanna Jallouf was carried out by jihadist brigades linked with the al Nusra front. ''Nuns at the convent found shelter in some village homes'', said a statement of the Custody quoted by Fides. The Custody confirmed that no information is currently available on where the hostages are being held and that attempts to contact the abductors and abductees have so far failed.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that Kurdish-Syran border city Kobane is "on the verge of falling" into the hands of Islamic state jihadists ISIS and feels a ground invasion in Syria and Iraq is necessary.
Turkish newspaper Hurryet reported Erdogan as saying that Kobane "is about to fall" in the hands of the jihadist, while visiting a refugee camp in Gaziantep, southern Turkey. "The air strikes will not stop the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant [ISIL]. We need a no-fly zone, safe havens and to train and equip the moderate opposition in Syria," Erdogan added. Approximately three weeks ago, the self-styled ISIS militants began to advance towards Kobane, quickly capturing surrounding villages and forcing approximately 186 thousand Syrian Kurds to seek refuge across the Turkish border.
Turkish parliament recently approved military intervention by Turkey, and is evaluating with the United States the role it can play in the campaign against ISIS. But, according to Hurriyet, Ankara insists on the need for a complete plan which also includes striking out at the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu emphasized Turkish position in a Monday interview with CNN. "We are ready to do everything if there is a clear strategy that after ISIS, we can be sure that our border will be protected. We don't want the regime anymore on our border pushing people against -towards Turkey. We don't want other terrorist organizations to be active there", Davutoglu said. "If al-Assad stays in power and ISIL goes then another radical organization may come in. Our approach should be comprehensive, inclusive and combined", he added. In recent years and following its split with Turkey, the Turkish government has been accused by many of having supported, or at least encouraged, Islamic militias (including jihadists) in Syria placed at the inside of an anti-Assad front. (ANSAmed).