Austria: The Arrival of the “Do-It-Yourself” Mass

Picture ~ Austrian Catholics

Austria: The Arrival of the “Do-It-Yourself” Mass

A lay Mass in Austria. This has become the cause for an open clash between Austrian Catholic dissidents and the Holy See after the announcement by the ultra-progressive movement “We are Church” that it intends to promote in the country liturgical ceremonies in which laypeople act as priests, praying and simulating the celebration of Mass.

"We are Church” is the real engine of dissent in Austria.

The movement is important because of its numbers and influence in the country. It rose from the ashes of the Hans Hermann Groër case, Schönborn's predecessor in Vienna.

It was in response to the accusations of pedophilia against Groër that some Catholics in Innsbruck and Vienna wished to react, by drafting the famous “Appeal of the People of God”, an agenda for the hierarchies of the Church with precise points.

Since 1995, the Appeal has been signed by more than two and a half million people. Initially, it even enjoyed the support of many Austrian bishops.

After the prelates were called to order by the Vatican, they withdrew their support. From that day on, there has been no contact with the hierarchies, at least officially.

And it is likely that still today Rome fears everthing that recalls this appeal which, manifests itself again and again, in every shape and form imaginable. Read more at the Vatican Insider.

St. Leo the Great
Like all heresy the above event is banal even as it celebrates its blasphemy. This is 'worship-us' liturgy, centred on human beings (they'd object to 'man') rather than on God. Likewise with the group in Austria and their kin in Ireland: cut off from God's plan they descend into banal self-worship. It is the same path that the devil took.
ecclesia militans
This looks like a very poorly done play. 🤮