Where is the call from the Ambo to fight evil in Arkansas

There is an effort to remove all state oversite of abortion in Arkansas and the bishop is not leading a spiritual battle. Has not Ohio, and Minnesotans example shown that just writing letters asking the flock to not join the campaign shown that mere half (or less) hearted attempts will guarantee the passage of this in Arkansas as well.
Bishop addresses state abortion petition

Yes, yes it has, and even though the Governor of Ohio campaigned against the extreme measure himself it was not enough, if the Church will not start acting like the eucharist is the Body of Christ she will fail again.

To do anything short of acting like this is a new crusade will allow another state to fall to the devil's efforts.

Where are the Processions, Holy Hours, Special Masses, Homilies and Daily Rosaries, not only at the clinics but at the Hospitals and most important in the Home (the domestic Church)?

If the Church will not lead now when will it? This is too important to wait till after another election day and say "we tried" when the Church did not!

This is from the proposed law "by amending the Arkansas Constitution to provide that the government of the State of Arkansas, its officers, or its political subdivisions shall not prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion services (1) in cases of rape, (2) in cases of incest, (3) in the event of a fatal fetal anomaly, or (4) when, in a physician’s good-faith medical judgment, abortion services are needed to protect a pregnant female’s life or to protect a pregnant female from a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury" In most states this wording includes a diagnoses of mild depression or anxiety, i.e. a case of the "blues"

Life is a gift from God, not a whim!


Why Does Our Lady of Fatima Call Us to the Daily Rosary?
Spiritual Battles - C.S. Lewis Institute
Make no mistake these are new battles no less than Lepanto, a new Poitiers and the future of the One True Church is on the line.
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