Where Are Their Habits?

Where Are Their Habits?

I was just on the website of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. You'd be hard-pressed to see anything that makes them spouses of Christ.

They are engaged in all the liberal, "progressive" social justice ministries and new age nonsense without one word about the major moral issues of our times: abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and advancing the homosexual agenda.

They link to many liberal organizations whose policies and programs conflict with Church teaching.

Read more Here.

1 September 2011
St. Beatrice da Silva Meneses
Simple but orthodox Catholic
Hear, hear "Upon the Altar"!!! The most important thing is to be a loyal and faithful Catholic obedient to the Magisterium of the Church [the Holy Father and all the Bishops in Communion with him]. I have the utmost respect for my Catholic brothers and sisters who prefer the Latin Mass - it is perfectly legitimate for them to do so. Let's not, however, create unnecessary, and non-existing because …More
Hear, hear "Upon the Altar"!!! The most important thing is to be a loyal and faithful Catholic obedient to the Magisterium of the Church [the Holy Father and all the Bishops in Communion with him]. I have the utmost respect for my Catholic brothers and sisters who prefer the Latin Mass - it is perfectly legitimate for them to do so. Let's not, however, create unnecessary, and non-existing because not based on theological reality, divisions between "Novus Ordo" Catholic and "Veterus Ordo" Catholic. As far as the "ladies" in question are concerned, nuns who do not live a fully apostolic life based on deep personal prayer and a strong Eucharistic spirituality, in community, as identifiably Catholic Religious [i.e. wearing the habit], are very much on the way out. They deserve to be so. They are being replaced by truly orthodox religious. So, whether we go to Latin Mass or the Vernacular Mass, let's all of us on this website be united and support our Holy Father the Pope and the innumerable Bishops, Priests and Religious who are working incessantly for the welfare of our Holy Catholic Church.
holyrope 3
Tridentine Mass vs Novus Ordo
Tridentine Mass vs Novus Ordo



Also, the abuses that formed in the wake of Vatican II are not some unique anomaly in the history of the church and were certainly not caused by the council itself. The 5th Lateran Council (1512-1513), for instance, reflected concern for abuses in the Church and the need for reforms but failed to take decisive action in the years immediately preceding the Reformation. Thanks be to God we did end up …More
Also, the abuses that formed in the wake of Vatican II are not some unique anomaly in the history of the church and were certainly not caused by the council itself. The 5th Lateran Council (1512-1513), for instance, reflected concern for abuses in the Church and the need for reforms but failed to take decisive action in the years immediately preceding the Reformation. Thanks be to God we did end up with some ironing-out, if you will, of the abuses with the Council of Trent only a few decades later. The same is happening in a slightly different way with our wonderful Pope Benedict XVI and the introduction of the New English Translation of the Roman Missal. More improvements, I'm sure, are to come in the next few decades. 😇
I'm so sick of hearing from so many commentors on this website about "novus ordo" this and "novus ordo" that! The way you speak makes you sound like a schismatic heretic. The Novus Ordo is the Ordinary Form now and with the new translation of the english roman missal it will be even better. These nuns who act in ways that lead others to question their orthodoxy are to blame for their own actions, …More
I'm so sick of hearing from so many commentors on this website about "novus ordo" this and "novus ordo" that! The way you speak makes you sound like a schismatic heretic. The Novus Ordo is the Ordinary Form now and with the new translation of the english roman missal it will be even better. These nuns who act in ways that lead others to question their orthodoxy are to blame for their own actions, not the Church. In my Novus Ordo parish here in the Diocese of Phoenix we often have nuns who wear full habits coming to visit, some of whom are the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration started by Mother Angelica. We all want orthodoxy here and thankfully these types of liberals are going out of fashion but, let's point the finger at those who are directly at fault (and pray for them) and not the Church simply because of the Second Vatican Council.
This is pretty sad although indicative of much of the Novus Ordo Church. Thank God these old hippie orders are dying out. Let them fade away and die. When Catholic nuns gave up their habits, they ceased being nuns in my book. They are selfish women set on doing their onw thing, from Yoga, TM, liberation theology, and the social justice racket. These are not nuns. The are crypto-Feminists, part of …More
This is pretty sad although indicative of much of the Novus Ordo Church. Thank God these old hippie orders are dying out. Let them fade away and die. When Catholic nuns gave up their habits, they ceased being nuns in my book. They are selfish women set on doing their onw thing, from Yoga, TM, liberation theology, and the social justice racket. These are not nuns. The are crypto-Feminists, part of the Novus Ordo branch of Catholicism, which has fallen in apostasy.
ecclesia militans
And this is why their convents are slowly withering away. Good riddance. While the traditional groups are thriving (ICK nuns, for example) these nuns are asking for retirement funds.
holyrope 3
Show us where "nuns" in novus ordo parishes wear full habit. And why is it the habitless "nuns" reside in novus ordo parishes. 🤗
Show us where "nuns" in novus ordo parishes wear full habit. And why is it the habitless "nuns" reside in novus ordo parishes. 🤗

This has nothing to do with the "novus ordo", that is, the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite. It has everything to do with orthodoxy and obedience to the Pope (who wants religious to wear their habits, for example).
holyrope 3
"Modern lives, Sacred Traditions" ?????? 🤦 🤐 🤮 what a pity, people putting money in the collection baskets at their novus ordo parishes to financially support such feminists.
"Modern lives, Sacred Traditions" ?????? 🤦 🤐 🤮 what a pity, people putting money in the collection baskets at their novus ordo parishes to financially support such feminists.
