Hired Prostitutes Attack Archbishop of Brussels

(Brussels) Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Brussels-Malines was again attacked by pseudo-feminists of FEMEN. As of last April the disturbed, paid "political activists" came from the red light district to a meeting, in which Monsignor Leonard participated in as a speaker.

In the red light district hired "political activists" are hired to appear topless and again target the brave Archbishop of Brussels-Mechelen. There are probably lush cash payments for the FEMEN-strippers in the background in Belgium (see separate report Who's behind FEMEN protest and their anti-Christian activities? Paid activists from the red light district). The incident occurred last Friday night in Brussels during a meeting of the Catholic St. Michael's College.

The first attack against Archbishop Leonard by FEMEN occurred last April during a podium discussion at the University of Brussels. The women shouted sodomophilic slogans and poured water on the archbishop. He said nothing, but reposed himself in prayer.

Continued at The Eponymous Flower