The Kasper Apostasy

The Kasper Apostasy

The new approach that Catholic scholars are taking to Jesus and the scriptures ... reflects the presuppositions and procedures [of] Catholic scholars like ... Walter Kasper.... Many of the conclusions of [this] 'liberal consensus' conflict sharply with traditional Catholic doctrine.... [It's] major achievement ... seems to be bringing the church to what can be called the end of Catholicism.... [The point] is not to salvage Catholicism or Christianity but to let go of them... to help people leave the church with a good conscience.
- Thomas Sheehan, The New York Review of Books,1984

[A] divine intervention in the sense of a directly visible action of God is theological nonsense. (Jesus the Christ, 1974)
• God’s relation to Moses in the Burning Bush is not “I Am,” but “I am with you. I am for you.” (7/5/14)
• The Church is not against birth control at all. ... it’s [the couple's] personal conscience and their personal responsibility. (5/5/14)
• So if [the divorced-and-remarried] can receive spiritual communion, why not also sacramental Communion? (5/5/14)
- Cardinal Kasper

In the past few days I have been reading a book by... Cardinal Kasper, a clever theologian, a good theologian... And that book did me a lot of good.
- Pope Francis, 17/3/13…/editorials_june…