Mary, Queen of All Days, pray for true Catholics, and for the conversion, repentance and abjuration of others. Amen.

FIFTH MONTH The First Day of the Fifth Month The birthday of the blessed apostles Philip and James. Philip, after having converted nearly all of Scythia to the faith of Christ, went to Hieropolis, a city in Asia, where he was fastened to a cross and stoned, and thus ended his life gloriously. James the Less, who is the cousin of our Lord, was the first bishop of Jerusalem. Being hurled down from a pinnacle of the temple, his legs were broken, and being struck on the head with a dyer’s staff, he expired and was buried near the temple… In Egypt, St. Jeremias, prophet, who was stoned to death by the people at Taphnas, where he was buried. The faithful were accustomed to pray at his grave, and to take away from it dust to heal those who were stung by serpents… In France, in the Province of Vivarias, blessed Andeol, subdeacon, who was sent from the East into Gaul with others by St. Polycarp to preach the word of God. Under Emperor Severus he was scourged with thorny sticks, and having his head split with a wooden sword into four parts, in the shape of a cross, he completed his martyrdom… At Huesca in Spain, the holy martyrs Orentius and Patience… In the town of Columna, in the province of Orleans in France, the martyrdom of St. Sigismund, king of Burgundy. He met death by being drowned in a well, and was afterwards famous for his miracles. His venerable body was later recovered and taken to the monastery of Agaune in the diocese of Sitten where it was honorably entombed… At Auxerre, St. Amator, bishop and confessor… at Auch, Bishop St. Orientius… At Llanelwy in England, Bishop St. Asaph, in whose memory the See was later named… At Bergamo, St. Grata, widow. (Mary, Queen of All Days! 5/1/2023 )