ISIS promete izar bandera en Vaticano y esclavizar a sus mujeres. Washington D.C.. El Estado Islámico (ISIS) amenazó al Vaticano en su revista oficial Dabiq. En la portada, ondea la insignia negra …Más
ISIS promete izar bandera en Vaticano y esclavizar a sus mujeres.

Washington D.C.. El Estado Islámico (ISIS) amenazó al Vaticano en su revista oficial Dabiq. En la portada, ondea la insignia negra sobre San Pedro.
“Alá concederá a los musulmanes la conquista de Roma, de la misma forma en que el Mensajero de Alá (la paz sea con él) prometió”. Con esas palabras y la imagen de la portada de su revista oficial, ISIS reafirma uno de sus principales objetivos: Invadir Roma y ver su bandera negra flameando sobre el obelisco de la Plaza de San Pedro.
En la cuarta edición de Dabiq, publicada para reclutar combatientes de todos los rincones del mundo, la organización terrorista afirma los ataques de la coalición liderada por Estados Unidos constituyen una “cruzada fallida” y que eventualmente la derrotarán.
“Si lo creen, conquistarán Roma y serán dueños del mundo, si Alá lo permite”, dijo en una ocasión Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, líder y califa del Estado Islámico.
“Conquistaremos Roma, quebraremos sus cruces y esclavizaremos a sus mujeres con el permiso de Alá, el Exaltado. Esta es su promesa para nosotros”, repite en varias ocasiones la revista.
Además, en el artículo “El regreso de la esclavitud antes de la Hora”, el ISIS confirma y justifica la esclavización de miles de mujeres y niños yazidíes, afirmando que “fueron divididos según la Sharia entre los combatientes del Estado Islámico”.
En la revista también se sostiene cómo el grupo cree que será su victoria final: El ISIS y los romanos (como los yihadistas llaman a la civilización occidental) llegarán a una tregua cuando se enfrenten a un enemigo común, pero que Occidente la romperá con el asesinato de un musulmán. Esto llevará a una batalla antes de la aparición del Mesías y el Anticristo y que finalizará con la conquista de Constantinopla y Roma.…/isis-promete-iz…
Die Antwort auf Dabiq...
ISIS promete izar bandera en Vaticano y esclavizar a sus mujeres…/isis-promete-iz…Más
ISIS promete izar bandera en Vaticano y esclavizar a sus mujeres…/isis-promete-iz…
Isis magazine Dabiq Threatens 'Rome Crusaders' Flying Islamic State Flag at Vatican on Front Cover
The Islamic State (IS) group renewed propagandist threats against Rome and the Vatican in a new issue of its official magazine, which had a Photoshopped picture of a jihadi flag flying atop the Holy See on the front cover.
The extremist group formerly known as Isis has tried to characterise a US-led …Más
Isis magazine Dabiq Threatens 'Rome Crusaders' Flying Islamic State Flag at Vatican on Front Cover

The Islamic State (IS) group renewed propagandist threats against Rome and the Vatican in a new issue of its official magazine, which had a Photoshopped picture of a jihadi flag flying atop the Holy See on the front cover.
The extremist group formerly known as Isis has tried to characterise a US-led effort to counter its advance in Iraq and Syria as a religious war akin to medieval Christian crusades.
According to the group's rhetoric, all westerners are offspring of the cradle of Christianity, Rome, which in turn becomes a symbolic target.
IS reaffirmed such credo in the fourth issue of its English language magazine, Dabiq, which ran a cover story titled The Failed Crusade.
"Rome in the Arabic tongue of the Prophet refers to the Christians of Europe and their colonies in Shām [Greater Syria]," the article read.
It was accompanied by a picture depicting IS's black flag risen atop the Egyptian obelisk at the centre of St. Peter's Square, in the Vatican.
The magazine reproduced parts of an earlier statement attributed to IS spokesman Mohammed al-Adnani, claiming jihadists will one day conquer Rome.
"We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted," Al-Adnani said. "If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market."
In the last section of the 12-page piece, the Islamist militants' mouthpiece called on jihadi sympathisers across the world to attack westerners "wherever they can be found."
"At this point of the crusade against the Islamic State, it is very important that attacks take place in every country that has entered into the alliance against the Islamic State, especially the US, [the] UK, France, Australia and Germany," the article read.
"Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him ... And the Islamic State will remain until its banner flies over Rome."
Rome was first singled out as a target also by IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in its first statement since the group changed name from Isis to an Islamic "caliphate" earlier this year.
Baghdadi's Ramadan message was followed by rumours of possible attacks against the Vatican and Pope Francis that were played down by the Holy See.
IS militants have been accused of atrocities including crucifixions, torture and summary executions carried out against Western journalists and aid workers as well as religious minorities and fellow Muslims.…