Stop discriminating against ex-gays, clients who experience unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA) and seek Sexual Orientation Change Effort (SOCE) therapy, and the licensed mental health practitioners who assist them.

March 24, 2015

Christopher Doyle

Open Letter to Psychology Today: You Cannot Ignore Ex-Gays That Have Changed
Ex-Gays Ask Psychology Today to Stop Discriminating Against Clients that Seek Sexual Orientation Change Efforts and Therapists that Help Them

Washington, D.C. -- On March 23, the leadership at Psychology Today received a letter from Voice of the Voiceless Advisory Board Member, Jeremy Schwab, asking the popular psychology magazine and website to stop discriminating against ex-gays, clients who experience unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA) and seek Sexual Orientation Change Effort (SOCE) therapy, and the licensed mental health practitioners who assist them. The letter follows a series of contradictory and discriminatory actions from Psychology Today, where they initially refused to remove a therapist who practice SOCE therapy from their publication's directory, but then later capitulated to the bullying and intimidation of gay activists.

The letter, which can be viewed by clicking here, reads in part:

There are thousands of men and women like myself who experience unwanted SSA and choose a different path than the modern “gay” identity and life. For some, this decision involves their sincerely held religious and moral beliefs, for others, it is due to discovering that the “gay” construct simply does not work for them. I was one of those individuals . . . Even if you believe homosexual behavior to be healthy, surely you can see how healing emotional wounds and building self-image and self-worth is always a positive thing, regardless of your value and belief system. Reparative Therapy helped me reach a deep and lasting sense of congruity and wholeness, and I am forever thankful for those clinicians who offer this to clients.

The letter goes onto ask Psychology Today to stop discriminating against ex-gays and the clinicians who assist clients with unwanted SSA:

I realize that Psychology Today readers may have different views about homosexuality, but I hope you can see that SOCE therapy can be very a positive, affirming, and healing experience for individuals, like me, who have chosen a different path. I hope that you and Psychology Today will reconsider this decision and stop attempting to silence the voices of licensed practitioners who have helped thousands of us. I am one of them, and my voice deserves to be heard.

To read the letter in its entirety, please click here. To schedule an interview with Jeremy Schwab, e-mail or call 571-379-4546.

Thank you for your writing. I too have been helped by reparative therapy and gender affirmation work. I feel better about myself, have worked on healing my childhood wounds, have created better relationships with those around myself and ultimately feel better about myself and my life.
This therapy saved my life, and I am forever grateful for it and my therapist who helped me come so far and …
Thank you for your writing. I too have been helped by reparative therapy and gender affirmation work. I feel better about myself, have worked on healing my childhood wounds, have created better relationships with those around myself and ultimately feel better about myself and my life.
This therapy saved my life, and I am forever grateful for it and my therapist who helped me come so far and achieve so much.
I always found it ironic that the gay activists who preach tolerance are always the ones least tolerant of those who seek change. When they argue that the therapy is dangerous, I can’t help but wonder if they have read about the dangers of their lifestyle, the continuing horrifying CDC statistics, and other research that points to the mental, emotional and physical lifestyle dangers they pose to themselves. For example, the research done by Family Research Council ( If someone is trying to help free themselves from those harmful dangers, why stop them?
Hypocritical is all I can say about the gay activists. It’s painful to see the gay activists bullying ex-gays, yet preach for others to not bully them.
Thank you,
Fiel al Evangelio
Open Letter to Psychology Today: You Cannot Ignore Ex-Gays That Have Changed!…