A Prophetic Message Against Francis' Same-Sex "Blessings" The recent approval by the Vatican II sect under Antipope Francis for "blessings" of same-sex couples is further evidence that what is currently …More
A Prophetic Message Against Francis' Same-Sex "Blessings"

The recent approval by the Vatican II sect under Antipope Francis for "blessings" of same-sex couples is further evidence that what is currently operating out of Rome is not the Catholic Church. There is also prophetic significance regarding this development, that most aren't aware of. False traditionalists defending & antipope-splaining this abominable move by the Vatican II counter-church are headed for & leading others straight to Hell.

The false church that took over the Vatican is the prophesied end times Whore of Babylon: hence why it teaches numerous heresies condemned by the Catholic Church. It's crucial to realize that since Vatican II, the Vatican has been run by a non-Catholic heretical sect. Those under Antipope Francis need to reject him as a heretical antipope, reject Vatican II (as it taught blatant heresy), reject the Vatican II claimants to the papacy (John XXIII through Francis), leave Francis' non-Catholic sect, avoid the New Mass & become traditional Catholics. Traditional Catholicism is true Christianity, and no one is saved outside the Catholic Church. The faithful end times remnant are traditional Catholics who maintain a state of grace & endure until the end, as shown in MHFM's material.

A Prophetic Message Against Francis' Same-Sex "Blessings"