Redemptorists create ‘prayer list’ for Mother’s Day. If you know of a woman who is experiencing physical and/or emotional difficulties related to her pregnancy, you can now add her name to a prayer …More
Redemptorists create ‘prayer list’ for Mother’s Day.

If you know of a woman who is experiencing physical and/or emotional difficulties related to her pregnancy, you can now add her name to a prayer list created by the Redemptorists of the Denver Province for Mother’s Day.

The names on that list will be offered up in prayer to St. Gerard Majella, the 18th century Redemptorist brother and patron saint of expectant mothers, between now and Mother’s Day, May 9th.

If you know of someone you would like to add to this prayer list, please go to www.redemptoristsdenver.org and click on the Mother’s Day banner on our home page. And please feel free to enter the name of any mother for whom you would like us to pray.