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Vatican has questioned, not silenced, Indian Jesuit theologian CWN - 8 hours ago
Reacting to reports that the Vatican has censured an Indian theologian, a Jesuit spokesman has told the Catholic News Service that no disciplinary action has been taken. Father Michael Amaladoss,...
Pope Francis reflects on Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude CWN - 18 hours ago
Continuing his weekly catechesis on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, Pope Francis devoted his May 14 general audience to the gift of fortitude. Pope Francis referred to the parable of the...
Archbishop Chaput expects Pope to visit Philadelphia for September 2015 meeting CWN - 9 hours ago
As Vatican officials toured Philadelphia, making plans for the World Meeting of Families that will be held their in September 2015, Archbishop Charles Chaput expressed confidence that Pope Francis...
Top Vatican diplomat at UN renews call for ban on nuclear weapons CWN - 18 hours ago
Archbishop Francis Chullikatt, the Holy See’s apostolic nuncio at the United Nations, has called for an international ban on nuclear weapons. The prelate made his remarks during a meeting of the...
Ignoring violence in Argentina is denial, bishop says CWN - 12 hours ago
An Argentine bishop has said that those who do not recognize the problem of violence in the country are engaged in denial, the Fides news service reports. Bishop Jorge Ruben Lugones of Lomas de...
Ukrainian Catholic leader meets with Canadian PM, decries Russian actions CWN - 18 hours ago
The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the largest Eastern Catholic church in full communion with the Holy See, condemned recent Russian actions during a meeting with Canadian Prime...
Pakistan: lawyers hit with blasphemy charges after protesting police actions CWN - 12 hours ago
The use of Pakistan’s draconian blasphemy law to punish religious minorities has taken an ominous new turn, with charges filed against 68 lawyers who protested police actions, the AsiaNews service...
Toxic-waste dumping by Italian Mafia draws papal condemnation CWN - 12 hours ago
Pope Francis gave his support to victims of toxic-waste dumping in Italy’s Campania region, during his regular weekly public audience on May 14. Recognizing a delegation from Campagnia, the Pope...
Italian prosecutors investigating fatal collapse of crucifix CWN - 12 hours ago
Italian prosecutors are weighing charges against 13 people involved in the design and construction of a giant crucifix that collapsed in April, killing a young man. The crucifix, designed in an...
Priest, catechist murdered in Papua New Guinea CWN - 19 hours ago
A priest has been murdered in Papua New Guinea, the victim of tribal rivalries in the Pacific nation. Father Gerry Mary Inao was ordained in August 2013. Benedict, a catechist who accompanied...
Kenya has become a ‘terrorist playground,’ says cardinal CWN - 20 hours ago
Kenya’s leading prelate has decried the increase of terrorism in the East African nation. “In the past few weeks we have lost many Kenyans through terrorist attacks, road accidents, robberies,...
5 bishops to travel to Washington, lobby on behalf of immigration reform CWN - 17 hours ago
Five members of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration will travel to Washington on May 29 and urge members of the House of Representatives to pass immigration...
‘A modern Pope gets old school on the Devil’ CWN - 19 hours ago
The Washington Post has reported on Pope Francis’s frequent references to Satan. “Pope Francis never stops talking about the Devil; it’s constant,” an anonymous “senior bishop in Vatican City”...
US bishops traveled to Iran to promote bilateral talks CWN - May 13
Three American bishops traveled to Iran in March to “promote understanding between the peoples of Iran and the United States,” the Vatican Insider has revealed. Bishop Richard Pates of Des...
Beware hardness of heart, Pope says in homily CWN - May 13
Pope Francis again made “docility to the Holy Spirit” the theme of his homily at a Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae on May 13. The first disciples, he remarked, did not make elaborate plans for...
Autonomous weapons could dehumanize war, Vatican warns UN CWN - May 13
High-tech weapons are contributing to an “increasing trend of dehumanization of warfare,” the Vatican’s representative told a UN session in Geneva on autonomous weapons systems. Archbishop...
Vatican sees 'well-founded complaint' in canonical suit on Georgetown's Catholic identity CWN - May 13
A canonical suit asking the Vatican to restore the Catholic identity of Georgetown University is “a well-founded complaint,” a Vatican official has said. In a letter to novelist William Peter...
Anti-Christian acts raise tensions in Israel as papal visit nears CWN - May 13
A rash of anti-Christian violence is “poisoning” the atmosphere in Israel in the days leading up to a visit by Pope Francis, warns Latin-rite Catholic Patriarch Fouad Twal of Jerusalem. Israeli...
Italian Cardinal Ce dead at 88 CWN - May 13
Cardinal Marco Ce, the retired Patriarch of Venice, died on May 12 at the age of 88. Born in Izano, Italy, Marco Ce was ordained to the priesthood in the Crema diocese in 1948. He was ordained an...