
Listen to a Catholic Priest Loving God and His Spiritual Children

IMPORTANT: Fr. Rodriguez’ last sermon in Shafter…..
and, I am afraid, his last public sermon for at least a number of months.
Say what you will about Fr. Rodriguez and his desire to offer strictly the TLM “in spite of” being a diocesan priest (that is, not part of one of the Ecclesia Dei communities), the video below shows to me a priest who is consumed with love for the souls in his charge and for the traditional practice of the Faith. Several times Father breaks down during the sermon, not over his own trials, but over those souls who will experience their own intense suffering at being denied the loving care of such a priest, and the regular availability of the TLM and the whole traditional practice of the Faith.
The title of the sermon is taken from the Book of Job: “The Lord Hath Given, and the Lord Hath Taken Away, Blessed Be the Name of the Lord.” Father stresses that the sufferings pious souls in El Paso and much of West Texas are now experiencing are great graces given us by the Lord to purify our souls and bring about our sanctification. It is so difficult to suffer, so contrary to our fallen natures, and yet that is exactly what God in the Second Person of the Trinity did to redeem us from our constant sins.
“Whenever there is a cross, no matter what, God is allowing it so that we might unite ourselves with His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.”

Some more select quotes:

at blog A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics

Father Rodriquez: even though your bishop has re-assigned you, you are afforded the privilige as an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church to offer the Latin mass whenever and wherever you have faithful who request it. And be assured there are many who seek it out. Every TLM I have gone to are well attended. So keep up the good fight. I will pray for your "underground mission." We are all with …More
Father Rodriquez: even though your bishop has re-assigned you, you are afforded the privilige as an ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church to offer the Latin mass whenever and wherever you have faithful who request it. And be assured there are many who seek it out. Every TLM I have gone to are well attended. So keep up the good fight. I will pray for your "underground mission." We are all with you in spirit.
It is sad beyond tears seeing such a wonderful priest sufffer like he has, but that is how you see the path of a priest from the outside looking in, walking towards holiness with much difficulties, , but the most amazing thing is when they do it with Love... like my good friend use to say each time, Gid be praise through His faithful servants. 😇 🙏
With respect to the Holy Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal
{Traditional Latin Mass}
The Good Catholic Priest over at blog Catholic Collar and Tie has this to say.
I think it is time that the EF was not be simply allowed by the Church but actively promoted in order that we allow the Holy Spirit to show us which Form allows Him to reach the human heart more readily. It is not enough to permit …More
With respect to the Holy Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal
{Traditional Latin Mass}
The Good Catholic Priest over at blog Catholic Collar and Tie has this to say.
I think it is time that the EF was not be simply allowed by the Church but actively promoted in order that we allow the Holy Spirit to show us which Form allows Him to reach the human heart more readily. It is not enough to permit the TLM: permission can be a neutral stance. What we need is for the Church’s liturgical treasure be valued and positively promoted, rather than grudgingly tolerated.