Uncle Joe

Islam Growing Faster Than Christianity

Photo ~ Muslims perform the Friday Prayer of Jumma in the housing estate London

New research claims that the global numbers of Christians has remained stagnant, while Islam has skyrocketed as a worldwide religion reports Christianity Today.
Slikker of Christian mission consultancy group Project Care, assembled a report comparing numbers of Christians and Muslims from 1900 to 2010.

According to Slikker’s report, Christianity has remained about the same, but Islam has almost doubled in members.

The statistics of the report are as follows:

Christians made up 34.5 percent of the world’s population in 1900, but fell to 32.9 percent in 2010.
Muslims made up 12.3 percent of the world’s population in 1900, but rose to 22.5 percent in 2010.
In the 1980s, there were most Muslims than Roman Catholics
Christianity had the greatest rate of growth in Africa, increasing 37 percent
Christianity had the greatest drop in Western Europe, decreasing 30 percent

Slikker believes the declining numbers of Christian is due to “increased materialism, secularism, rationalism, rejection of the notion of spiritual authority outside of oneself.”