Larry Silverstein: "9/11 was my lucky day" - See also: 20 Years After 9/11. - Every morning Silverstein had breakfast in the North Tower, on the 91st floor, but, "curiously", he did not do so on 9/11…More
Larry Silverstein: "9/11 was my lucky day" - See also: 20 Years After 9/11. - Every morning Silverstein had breakfast in the North Tower, on the 91st floor, but, "curiously", he did not do so on 9/11, since his wife had scheduled an "urgent" appointment with the "dermatologist" for that day. Although in the first answer he gives he does not say anything about it, only that during the "attack" he "was at home". It sounds pretty weird, to say the least, that he didn't bring up the doctor's appointment. Remember that Silverstein had bought the WTC a couple of months before and had taken out insurance that covered terrorism. After the attack he took the insurance company to court. He won it and received a total of $ 4.5 billion. This could be the biggest insurance fraud in history. And, twenty years after the "attacks", Silverstein is still a free man and enjoying his immense fortune. Which is not the case for the 3,000 victims of the "attacks." Something that I very much doubt will prevent him to sleep. But I wouldn't want to be in his shoes on judgment day ...
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post