Tom Morelli
👏👏 Kari Lake as "MAGA WOMAN"More
👏👏 Kari Lake as "MAGA WOMAN"
Please remove this, very indecent.
Indecent clothing for a Catholic channel.
Tom Morelli
It's a spoof video on the tv series "Wonder Woman". 🥱
I know, but we don't need this to know what they think
Tom Morelli
The "Wonder Woman" series on TV ran from 1975-1979. Back then, it wasn't considered "indecent clothing" for a superhero to be wearing in a TV series. I know. I was a kid back then. My parents were good Catholics. Heck, we even watched "I Dream of Jeannie" TV series. If you want to do a comparison of "indecent clothing", that would be more risque than the Wonder Woman outfit. My whole point in …More
The "Wonder Woman" series on TV ran from 1975-1979. Back then, it wasn't considered "indecent clothing" for a superhero to be wearing in a TV series. I know. I was a kid back then. My parents were good Catholics. Heck, we even watched "I Dream of Jeannie" TV series. If you want to do a comparison of "indecent clothing", that would be more risque than the Wonder Woman outfit. My whole point in belaboring this point is this: Do we really need to go "full Puritanical" on something like this parody video? Again, all the creators of the video did was to use AI to insert Kari Lake's face onto the body of Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter). There was nothing in the post that compelled anyone to view the video. They had the choice. It's not NEARLY as bad as the gay/trans videos/photos I see posted here. Are we coning to the point that one must have to add a "disclaimer" to each and every post because someone might be "scandalized" by the content? Seriously? Did those who watched the video also look at the parodied words in the video? I doubt it. The fixation was on the superhero costume. Just food for thought. And, yes, I'm open to doing back-and-forth replies with those who have a contention with what I just here posted. After all, this is a what is called free speech. God bless. Tom