



Rome: October 26, 2019

Your Holiness:

My name is Michael Matt. I’m a cradle Catholic, educated in Catholic schools from the first grade through university. I am also father of seven children.

I’m a Catholic newspaper publisher, and I come from a long line of Catholic newspaper publishers. My grandfather was made a Knight of St. Gregory right here in Rome by your predecessor of happy memory, Pope Pius XI.

For 150 years, my family has been in the Catholic press apostolate, defending the Church against aggressors on all sides. When the Nazis occupied Rome, my grandfather’s newspaper was placed on a blacklist and banned from being mailed into Germany by order of Adolf Hitler himself.

When I say I am a loyal Catholic, I am speaking for myself, my father, my grandfather and my great-grandfather. Catholic men of the press who devoted their lives to the defense of Catholic Tradition and the infallible teachings of your predecessors.

I come to you today with sadness in my Catholic heart, as the winds of that very modernism condemned by your sainted predecessor and resisted by my own fathers, are today blowing through the colonnades, down the Via della Conciliazione, over the Tiber and out into the whole world.

The spirits of our fathers cry out from their graves as Rome is raising the white flag of surrender and losing the Faith. This Eternal City, baptized in the blood of your martyred first predecessors, is returning to its pagan roots under your watch.

At your Amazon Synod here in Rome this week, the world was told that Peter himself is looking to the pagans for enlightenment, listening to them, learning from them, accompanying them.

But is this what Christ asked of you, Holy Father -- to listen to and learn from the world?

The Word was Made flesh and dwelt among us for another reason, or so the Church taught for two thousand years.

He hung from the Cross so that he could take the sins of the world upon Himself, so that he could open the gates of heaven that were, according to Scripture, closed by the sin of our first parents in the Garden of Eden.

The Holy Ghost descended upon your own predecessors in order to establish a Church that would make all men on earth heirs of heaven and sons of God.
The Church Christ founded is, according the infallible teachings of the Church—the sole means of salvation. It is the only true Church outside of which there is no salvation.

Do you, Holy Father, still accept this dogma of the Church?

If it has done anything, this Synod has conveyed the impression to the world that you, Holy Father, have reneged on the Church’s own teaching that she is the sole means of salvation.

Is this the message you intended to send? If not, please know that it is the message the world press received this week here at the Synod—along with the message that you may or may not believe Hell exists, that you may or may not believe Jesus Christ was God while here on earth.

In the face of such confusion, Holy Father, faithful Catholics are left with a choice between your words and those of your predecessors. Who are we to believe—you or them?

Your predecessors up to and including Paul VI took the oath of coronation in which they vowed "to change nothing of the received Tradition--to alter nothing, nor to permit any innovation."

They swore "to keep whatever has been revealed through Christ and His Successors and whatever the first councils and predecessors have defined and declared."

In their coronation oath they "subjected to severest excommunication anyone – be it ourselves or be it another – who would dare to undertake anything new in contradiction to this constituted evangelic Tradition and the purity of the Orthodox Faith and the Christian Religion."

Holy Father, I beg you to explain how “listening to and learning from pagans” is not in contradiction to that Catholic Tradition your own predecessors swore to defend.

In Amoris Laetitia you have told the world that unrepentant public adulterers may in certain circumstances return to the Sacramental life of the Church, thus placing your own teaching in direct contradiction with the infallible teaching of the Church, reiterated most recently by Pope John Paul II in Familaris consortia.

After Abu Dhabi, you informed the world that God wants a brotherhood of all religions. But how does this not contradict the Divine Commission of Christ Himself who ordered you to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

When you came to my country, you stood before Congress, in the presence of some of the most powerful leaders of the world, and you said not one word about Jesus Christ. I don’t believe you even mentioned His name. Why not, Holy Father?

In Lund, Sweden, you met with Lutherans pretending to be bishops in a cathedral stolen from Mother Church and you prayed with them in commemoration of the Protestant Revolt, which tore Christendom in half 500 years ago. And which great saints such as Thomas More believed to be the actual anti-Christ. Why, Holy Father? Why did you pray with them? Why did you commemorate the Protestant Revolt?

And How is this not in direct contradiction to the teachings of Pius XI in Mortalium Animus, which condemned such pan-Christian gatherings on the basis that Christian unity can only be promoted by calling for a return of all Christians to the Catholic Church?

You have said that atheists can go to heaven, thus conveying the impression to the sad, distracted and distressed world that salvation is possible even outside of any belief in God at all.

You said it is not your job to judge homosexual priests, thus allowing the world to conclude that the Church has abandoned her own teachings on the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance.

You even honored a gay and supposedly “married” couple with a private audience at which the cameras recorded every moment of your implicit abandonment of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.

And now the Amazon Synod is opening the door to women deacons and perhaps even women priests, in violation not only of the recent teaching of your canonized predecessor in Ordinatio sacerdotalis, but also of the will of Christ himself.

And now you are partnering with globalists and population controllers, who wish to employ abortion and rigorous contraception education throughout the whole world in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations by the year 2030.

Given all this, Holy Father, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Whose teachings would you follow: the scandalous novelties of a man named Francis, or the constant and infallible teachings of all his predecessors, back to St. Peter himself? We know what Christ Himself said about those who scandalize the little ones, that it would better for them to have millstones tied round their necks and be cast into the sea.

Your Holiness, I am one of those little ones, as are my children and children all throughout the world, who are scandalized not because we want to be scandalized, but because we are; because we see what our father is doing and saying in contradiction to 2000 years of Catholic teaching and example.

Is it any surprise so many of your own subjects are resisting you, are praying to God for your conversion, even questioning whether you are still a Catholic at all?

Pagan ceremonies in the Vatican Gardens? Do you think this is helping our Protestant friends come closer to unity with Christ’s true Church? They too are scandalized by what you have done. And you have convinced many of them that the pope is indeed the Whore of Babylon, and you’ve driven them further from the flock of Christ and from the barque of St. Peter.

Please, Holy Father, just imagine for just a moment the horror of your children in the face of such paternal scandal.

We pray for you, Holy Father, every day. We refer to you as Holy Father, whether you like it or not—because the office you hold is holy above all others, and even you cannot make it unholy.

Yours is the seat of the Holy Father, at the See of Peter—the Holy See— and we honor this too much to allow anyone, even the Pope, to destroy it.

You have made it clear that, though you wish to listen to pagans, you have no interest in listening to your own scandalized children; to us rigid neo-palagians that used to be known as practicing Catholics. In your eyes we are rigid, fanatical and pharisaical. But, if is true, then so too were some 260 of your own predecessors rigid, fanatical and pharisaical. And this cannot be.

We pray for you; we weep for you and for our children in this dark moment of confusion for Catholics throughout the whole world.

But we also are bound in conscience, before the dread judgment seat of God Himself, to resist you honorably to your face.

In fact, we loyal and faithful Catholics promise to put every effort now until the day we die into resisting you and your agenda of revolutionary Change to the Church we love.

We promise to teach our children, in fidelity to Catholic Tradition, to resist you to your face and to teach their children to do the same.

We also promise to love and pray for you every day of our lives, and should the grace of God prompt you to become fully Catholic once again one day before you die, we promise you, Holy Father, that you will have no greater defenders in all of Christendom than the traditional Catholics that you now seem to despise. Catholics who will defend the Faith handed down to them from their fathers. Catholics from all around the world who are begging you also to defend that Faith, and to become the vicar of Christ once again, rather than the vicar of the world.

Indeed, true friends of the pope are neither revolutionaries, nor innovators: they are traditionalists. We will not leave Holy Mother Church. We will never abandon Christ our King, even if all the bishops of the world—including the Bishop of Rome—abandon Him once again, even as they did 2000 years ago, at Calvary.

Holy Father we beg you, for God’s sake and that of the whole world, listen to cries of your scattered sheep and become shepherd to them once again. Become Christ’s Vicar, become Peter’s successor, and become our true Holy Father.

Until that happens, we your most loyal subjects have no alternative and no choice but to resist you to the face. With God as our witness, this we will do until the day we die, or until you return to the Church of Jesus Christ.

Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat.

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