Ireland's Nancy Pelosi - Pro-Abort Edna Kenny, Prime Minister of Ireland

Enda Kenny says he’s a staunch Catholic, a regular Mass goer and legalising abortion was ‘a good thing’

Mr Kenny says he retains his staunch Catholic faith and remains a regular Massgoer. He remains dismissive about the threats of excommunication flagged before the abortion legislation debate.

“I have answered that before by saying I talk to my God. That’s it. I don’t want to comment about the Catholic Church,” he says.

There you have it bishops, Enda Kenny is throwing the Catholic Church’s doctrine on the sanctity of the lives of unborn babies back in your faces.

He’s told the world that he thinks that his abortion law is a good thing and is the absolutely right thing to do.

Your explanations of Evangelium Vitae and your ‘Choose Life’ campaign have not made a blind bit of difference.

Enda Kenny has told the whole of Ireland that he remains a staunch Catholic and that he intends to regularly present himself to receive Holy Communion. He also thinks you haven’t got the courage or the conviction to publicly pronounce the truth that he and the other pro-abort TDs have excommunicated themselves.

My Lords, have you got the courage and the conviction to do what he dismisses out of hand or has Enda Kenny got the measure of you all?
