"He's a good liar": Church Militant Spotlight 21st May 2020 Exclusive interview with the parents of Fr Frédéric Abbet's sex abuse victims and disclosure of the cover-up and deception by 3 SSPX clergies …More
"He's a good liar": Church Militant Spotlight 21st May 2020

Exclusive interview with the parents of Fr Frédéric Abbet's sex abuse victims and disclosure of the cover-up and deception by 3 SSPX clergies: Bp Bernard Fellay, Fr Jürgen Wegner, Fr Benoît Wailliez.

Fr Frédéric Abbet roams free in his native Switzerland despite being sentenced to 5 years by 3 judges in Belgium.

If you want to help these families obtain justice, please write to the town hall of Fully, where convicted pedophile Frédéric Abbet roams freely instead of being behind bars: Chancellerie@admin.fully.ch
May 19th The Vortex: "Why the silence Trads?" www.churchmilitant.com/…/vortex-why-the-…