The Treatise on Purgatory By St Catherine of Genoa. MultiBurtons on Dec 11, 2011 The Treatise on Purgatory in full. Saint Catherine of Genoa gives an insight and perception of the state of Purgatory …More
The Treatise on Purgatory By St Catherine of Genoa.

MultiBurtons on Dec 11, 2011 The Treatise on Purgatory in full. Saint Catherine of Genoa gives an insight and perception of the state of Purgatory as Heaven had shown her. It encourages fevour and love of God as well as making one aware of the harm sin does to the soul. It is a work of love.
Read free online "Treatise on Purgatory by St. Catherine of Genoa: www.ccel.org/ccel/catherine_g/life.vi.html