Referencing the Pope, Priests Give Communion to Active Homos

Photo ~ Pope Francis speaks about gays and the church July 29 on a flight from Brazil.

Interviews with Catholic priests around the state (R.I.) suggest most have a good idea as to what to say or do, even while they may disagree among themselves about the best approach. Most, however, are inclined toward following the lead of the new pope, even when they feel they must “speak the truth in love.”

“I am not in the business of denying Communion,” Father Thurber says flatly. “As Pope Francis said, it’s not fair to judge. I preach the Gospel, and whoever hears it, hears it.”

But when he was asked what he would tell gay couples who request Communion, Father Thurber said he would tell them to take that question to the bishop.

The Rev. Charles R. Grondin, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Providence, said that when he speaks to cohabiting couples, his focus is on getting them back to Mass. “I don’t spend a lot of time talking about fornication. That horse has already left the barn.”

Nor does he try to pick out the people in his parish he thinks may be gay or cohabiting. “There’s nothing to be gained trying to investigate people’s lives for no reason. That would be an endless black hole.”

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