Cardinal Burke is wrong

Posted by voiceofthesheepblog on May 23, 2016

His excellency Cardinal Burke is, unknowingly wrong, perhaps confused like most of us by the cunning of 'pope' Francis, please bear with me.

Francis while flying back from the Philippines said without a gun to his head: his exhortations, homilies and encyclical were "teachings, TRUE MAGISTERIUM"

His excellency Cardinal Burke is right to say that we should RESIST WORLDLY teachings, but, because he is obviously unaware of what Francis have said about his "teachings" in his flight back from the Philippines, Cardinal Burke is wrong unknowingly, to say, that Amoris laetitia reflects Francis personal opinion.

Understand this, a thief or a murderer speak about their intentions with their actions, how many times has "pope" Francis hinted, that it is merciful to give the Eucharist to the unrepentant? Many times, and liberal priests are giving it away.

When asked...

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