Back in April 2019, I did the homilies for Homiletic and Pastoral Review.
The last Sunday of April in 2019, we read the story often called “Doubting Thomas,” even though I bet most of the others would have been just as incredulous as he was. In this story, Jesus comes to Thomas and enters into his messy life. We can often have an over-idealized vision of Jesus’ appearances after the resurrection …More
Back in April 2019, I did the homilies for Homiletic and Pastoral Review.

The last Sunday of April in 2019, we read the story often called “Doubting Thomas,” even though I bet most of the others would have been just as incredulous as he was. In this story, Jesus comes to Thomas and enters into his messy life. We can often have an over-idealized vision of Jesus’ appearances after the resurrection. However, the reality is messier than most artwork. Jesus lives in our messy lives, not is some idealized state...

Jesus Comes Into Our Messy Lives (Divine Mercy Homily)

Jesus Comes Into Our Messy Lives (Divine Mercy Homily) April 25, 2019 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio …