Pater Lingen

Great Reset - Great Apostasy.

Easter 2023
Three years ago (April 4th, 2020) I published a video on Youtube: "Corona lie - right of resistance and right of self-defense". Of course the video was deleted and I was warned. However, everything in the video was true: There never was a "Corona desease" at all. The only thing that died of "Covid-19" was the flu.
Admittedly, I already was an anti-vaxxer long before. In fact, it all started more than ten years ago when a doctor tried to sell (for many MDs it is nothing else than business) vaccines to me, as I did not care about that. Than I looked into it and discovered the ugly story of "protective vaccination". There is no protection at all. Not "more harm than good", but no good at all and a lot of harm.
And today?
So-called "alternative media" still claim that there was a "corona pandemic" (however not so bad and not so long as the politicians claim).
So-called "alternative media" still claim that vaccination is a good thing (however not this mRNA spike protein).
And no surprise at all: So-called "alternative media" agitate against the Catholic Church and claim that Christianity is the source of all evil. So-called "alternative media" especially mention the "fact" that "the Catholic Church" (i. e. the sect of "Vatican 2") spread the virus lie.
Great Reset - Great Apostasy.
So-called "alternative media" are a viral part of the Great Reset.