
Morning Catholic must-reads: 05/06/12

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone has told Italian state television that the Pope is not intimidated by a “fierce, divisive and organised” series of leaks of confidential documents (full text of interview).
Sister Margaret Farley has said she fears that yesterday’s Notification by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on her book Just Love “misrepresents (perhaps unwittingly) the aims of my work“.
Cardinal Rodolfo Quezada Toruño, who played a major role in ending Guatemala’s civil war in 1996, has died aged 80.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York has rejected the New York Times’s claim that he sanctioned “payoffs” for clerical abusers when he was Archbishop of Milwaukee.
Zenit publishes the full English text of Benedict XVI’s Q&A at the Seventh World Meeting of Families in Milan.
Fr Matt Malone SJ was named yesterday as the new editor-in-chief of America magazine.
Dylan Parry says that the documents at the centre of the “Vatileaks” scandal are actually rather boring.
Taylor Marshall investigates why Vatican City has the world’s highest crime rate.
And the bishops of New Zealand have forbidden priests to use iPads in place of the Roman Missal at Mass (full text of statement).…/morning-catholi…