Ludovic 2Nîm
Why are all the liberal prelates stacked up on one side of this debate? Why the Pope, Cardinal Blase Cupich, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Cardinal Arthur Roche, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Bishop John Stowe, and more?
Why are all the faithful Catholic prelates on the other side fighting for the retention of the Traditional Latin Mass? Cardinal Raymond Burke, Cardinal Robert Sarah, Cardinal Joseph …More
Why are all the liberal prelates stacked up on one side of this debate? Why the Pope, Cardinal Blase Cupich, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Cardinal Arthur Roche, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Bishop John Stowe, and more?

Why are all the faithful Catholic prelates on the other side fighting for the retention of the Traditional Latin Mass? Cardinal Raymond Burke, Cardinal Robert Sarah, Cardinal Joseph Zen, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, and Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

There are all sorts of reasons for sure, but I wanted to highlight one that perhaps few think about. It is at heart all about the culture war.

All those liberal prelates that I mentioned would all be regarded as heretics in more Catholic times.

They oppose the Church’s perennial teaching on homosexuality for starters.

They oppose the teaching against contraception and fight the Church’s encouragement of large families.

They waver on pro-life teachings, for instance, in their glorification of pro-abortion politicians and insistence on giving them Holy Communion.

They are the opposite in these respects from their faithful counterparts mentioned previously.

So how does this play out then in terms of the Latin Mass?

The Traditional Latin Mass National Survey carried out by Father Donald Kloster, who celebrated both the Novus Ordo Mass (NOM) and the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) for 20 years, noticed big differences between the people attending the two different types of Masses.

So he decided to do a survey of Latin Mass Catholics to see where they stood on seven key issues which were common to the surveys of Catholics in general carried out by major pollsters. Here are a few of the issues he looked at:

Approval of contraception
Approval of abortion
Approval of same-sex “marriage”

The results were astounding.

Pew found that 89% of NOM Catholics approve contraception, among TLM Catholics it was 2%.

Pew found that 51% of NOM Catholics approve abortion, among TLM Catholics it was 1%.

Daily Wire found that 67% of NOM Catholics approve gay “marriage,” among TLM Catholics it was 2%.

It is no wonder to me that liberal prelates in the Church want to stomp out the Traditional Latin Mass.

The real reason why liberal bishops are trying to shut down the Latin Mass - LifeSite

Wed Feb 1, 2023 - 6:00 pm ESTWed Feb 1, 2023 - 4:04 pm EST (LifeSiteNews) — Why is there such a strong push to get …