Matt Stand
I note ++Viganó doesn’t speak out against the vaccine abortion taints. I don’t believe he ever has. To him it’s all just a big conspiracy by big government, big pharma, big tech, big data…
True Mass
Come on Matt. Of course he has.
Matt Stand
@The Wandering Recluse Im not going to listen to recordings of this guy. If you have it in black and white provide the link(s).
Matt Stand
@The Wandering Recluse I’m not, but I’m also not going to waste time listening to hours of conspiracy theories. As I wrote if you have it in black and white I’ll have a browse, if not that’s also fine. I don’t care either way.
3 more comments from Matt Stand
Matt Stand
@The Wandering Recluse of course not, but I tend not to waste my time on the man (or those like him) i.e.conspiracy nuts.
Matt Stand
@The Wandering Recluse I didn’t say it was a conspiracy theory, just that I’m not prepared to waste time listening to hours of his conspiracy theories.
Matt Stand
@The Wandering Recluse its not a contradiction but you need wit to grasp it: I’m not prepared to listen to hours of trash on the off chance he may have said something about the vaccine taint. You want to defend him go ahead, if you don’t that’s fine too. But the fact that you’ve wasted so much time here (rather that going off to find a couple of quotes) tells me that I’m probably right 😀
True Mass
God Bless Archbishop Vigano. He speaks TRUTH. When he speaks we must listen intently.