We must as Catholics resist the enslavement of the WEF, the WHO and the elites!
Salvatore Bastatti
Sadly with boots on the ground and missiles/planes in the air. The American people allowed all this to develop. Digital ID is the breaking point, and the WH pedo supports it.
How are you going to resist this devilish sledgehammer ???
Jeffrey Ade
Pray the Rosary! As Saint Joan said, "God will give us the victory, we just have to fight!"
Yes ! I'v been doing it more than 10 years and now it is very heavy prayer for me. More than 7 years I pray Chapel of Divine Mercy everyday, between 3-4 pm. Since I read Through The Eyes of Jesus, I pray all day changing my life to Jesus. It is easy to pray verbally. The taughest prayer is converting our lives.
What I believe and this ensured me while reading Through The Eyes of Jesus, if we live our lives to get on the right side of God, by listening, trusting to His Will given in Gospels, Jesus can help to fix this world. God looked in Sodom and Gomor not people who pray by lips but people that are trully just. The same is now. God looks everyday for people who love others (not family, friends), are …More
What I believe and this ensured me while reading Through The Eyes of Jesus, if we live our lives to get on the right side of God, by listening, trusting to His Will given in Gospels, Jesus can help to fix this world. God looked in Sodom and Gomor not people who pray by lips but people that are trully just. The same is now. God looks everyday for people who love others (not family, friends), are merciful, if there will be less than 10, then this world ends up in the tragic way descripted by st John.