Message of Our Lady 12/09/12 given at Borg in Nadur Malta. (P411) Message of 12th September 2012 My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! My children I want you to return to the faith …More
Message of Our Lady 12/09/12 given at Borg in Nadur Malta.

(P411) Message of 12th September 2012

My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart!

My children I want you to return to the faith of your forefathers. Yes my children, come for conversion. Many have forgotten that every morning at sunrise my Son Jesus prepares them for conversion. My children, my Son Jesus is always thinking of you. My children if you do not keep together conversion and faith you will be ruined.

I ask you my children from the bottom of my heart, turn back to the faith you once had and do not be too attached to the signs or messages, trying to comprehend every detail. Do not become immobilised with them or you and the ones around you will be ruined.

My Children, turn back to the faith of your forefathers, that faith of simplicity and humility. Yes my children, if you proceed in this way you will never be in error. Your forefathers were simple people, with no schooling, with no theology nor philosophy. But they were people of strong faith. They were people who recall that God raises the sun for them as well. So I repeat again my children, return to the faith of your forefathers.

Thank you for having listened to my call.