'Women wearing tight clothes are to blame for domestic violence

Photo ~ Father Piero Corsi posted the bulletin 'Women and femicide - healthy self-criticism. How often do they provoke?' on the church door

'Women wearing tight clothes are to blame for domestic violence': Italian priest says provocative mothers neglect babies and bring out 'worst instincts' of men
*Father Piero Corsi put controversial Christmas message on church door
*Blamed women for 'exacerbating tensions' with men and serving cold meals
*Male abuse a significant problem in Italy and one in three women say they have been victim of serious domestic violence

An Italian priest has provoked outrage after claiming that women are to blame for domestic violence by wearing tight clothing in his Christmas bulletin - and pinning the notice to the door his church.

Father Piero Corsi also attacked women for not cleaning their houses and serving fast food, and called on women to engage in 'healthy self criticism' over femicide - men murdering women.

Father Corsi's letter, pinned to the door of the church in the northern village of San Terenzo di Lerici, said: 'Let's ask ourselves. Is it possible that men have all gone mad at one stroke? We don't think so.

'How often do we see girls and even mature women walking on the streets in provocative and tight clothing?
'Babies left to themselves, dirty houses, cold meals and fast food at home, soiled clothes.

Here is some advice guys, if you see a woman whom you feel is very attractive, keep those thoughts in check and say a Hail Mary for her. For some guys this will be very very often, but it works. I know the Blessed Mother has saved me from this and kept me from sin. Only with her help in these kinds of situation will a man be able to stop objectifying women.
I have to say that immodesty is a big problem in todays world of Fashion, but to say that it is the fault of someone wearing some thing provocative to make someone else act in a certain way is fault of the other pesons actions is wrong. When someone freely chooses to do anything they are fully responsible for his or her own actions. Inviting actions and drawing trouble or inspiring trouble is a big …More
I have to say that immodesty is a big problem in todays world of Fashion, but to say that it is the fault of someone wearing some thing provocative to make someone else act in a certain way is fault of the other pesons actions is wrong. When someone freely chooses to do anything they are fully responsible for his or her own actions. Inviting actions and drawing trouble or inspiring trouble is a big problem, but what do you want, Christian woman to start dessing like Muslims? Domestic Violence is more rooted in trouble in a relationship and quite possibly a relationship that has some sin invovled in it. To totally blame gender or person is wrong and blaming it only on provocative clothing has some truth to it but is over the top. Self-Governance and the lack of it is the real people that people have in this give-me-what-I-want-NOW world!
I always hate to see the woman wearing tight spandex that is fleash colored! Looks like their naked! I mean....its pretty and turns me on but isn't that just for her husband to see?!?!?! Also its even more wrong when you see a really fat woman doing the spandex thing! GROSS! 👌
For a priest nowadays to even go publicly about this subject is rare. Men must be Real Men and stop fearing women as so many do! Speak the truth, which he has..and don't be intimidated by anything or anyone. How else are Men going to re-assume their true roles in society and in the family if they are to sheepish to speak up and defend the truth. And priests out there...Please, Please...put aside …More
For a priest nowadays to even go publicly about this subject is rare. Men must be Real Men and stop fearing women as so many do! Speak the truth, which he has..and don't be intimidated by anything or anyone. How else are Men going to re-assume their true roles in society and in the family if they are to sheepish to speak up and defend the truth. And priests out there...Please, Please...put aside your fear of offending someone, put aside your fears of not meeting monetary needs or wants and start Proclaiming the Gospel..of how it certainly relates to the needs of today! And it does include Modesty, and the role that God intended a man and woman to have in this life. How can you be a priest who should be setting an example and yet are afraid to defend what is right and holy? How many more souls are going to be lost forever..how many more?
On Guard
Father Corsi, you are right about women dressing in clothing so tight that it looks like the clothes are "painted on the body". It is also true about the plunging neckline that makes the women look like nudists and prostitutes. When was the last time you, Father Corsi, or any other priest, made a sermon about modesty, or how much Our Lady talks about it, or what Our Lady said to Jacinta at Fatima …More
Father Corsi, you are right about women dressing in clothing so tight that it looks like the clothes are "painted on the body". It is also true about the plunging neckline that makes the women look like nudists and prostitutes. When was the last time you, Father Corsi, or any other priest, made a sermon about modesty, or how much Our Lady talks about it, or what Our Lady said to Jacinta at Fatima about modesty.
You see, Father, we have all failed to preach the True Catholic Way!!!

Our children and our faithful have suffered because of the lack of teaching by the clergy. Your faithful are pleading with you for teaching and example....not criticism.