la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in Argentina. BERGOGLIO´S HERETICAL PAST IS FRANCIS PRESENT. Bergoglio was a pertinacious public heretic …More
Bergoglio was disqualified from became a pope due to his heretical, apostate and schismatic past in Argentina.


Bergoglio was a pertinacious public heretic years before the 2013 INVALID Conclave Bergoglio the heretic "clergyman" who was invalidly appointed pope.
Bull of Pope Paul IV Against Heretics: "Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio" (virgosacrata.com)

Pope Pius IV (1499-1565)
"We declare that if ever it should appear that any bishop, even one acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch, or Primate, or a Cardinal of the Roman Church, or a legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, whether prior to his promotion to Cardinal, or prior to his election as Roman Pontiff, has beforehand deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into any heresy, we enact, we decree, we determine, we define: Such promotion or election in and of itself, even with the agreement and unanimous consent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, legally invalid, and void. It shall not be possible for such a promotion or election to be deemed valid or to be valid, neither through reception of office, consecration, subsequent administration, or possession, not even through the putative enthronement of a Roman Pontiff himself, together with the veneration and obedience accorded him by all. Such promotion or election shall not through any lapse of time in the foregoing situation be considered even partially legitimate in any way. Each and all of the words, as acts, laws, appointments of those so promoted or elected -- and indeed, whatsoever flows there from -- shall be lacking in force, and shall grant no stability and legal power to anyone whatsoever. Those so promoted or elected, by that very fact and without the need to make any further declaration, shall be deprived of any dignity, position, honor, title, authority, office, and power. Therefore, it is permitted to no one to impair this page of Our approval, renewal, sanction, statute, wills of repeal, of decrees, or to go contrary to it by a rash daring deed. If anyone, moreover, will have presumed to attempt this, he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul." -Pope Paul IV (1555-1559), Bull "Cum ex Apostolatus Officio," February 16, 1559, sec. 9
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio achieved impunity for most of the homosexual predators he covered up in Argentina and prevented them from paying for their crimes in prison, including McCarrick, with the exception of two, Grassi and Zanchetta, although Bergoglio did everything possible to defend Grassi
and paid two lawyers to defend Zanchetta, he could not mock Justice. It should be noted that Bergoglio was the spiritual …More
Bergoglio achieved impunity for most of the homosexual predators he covered up in Argentina and prevented them from paying for their crimes in prison, including McCarrick, with the exception of two, Grassi and Zanchetta, although Bergoglio did everything possible to defend Grassi
and paid two lawyers to defend Zanchetta, he could not mock Justice. It should be noted that Bergoglio was the spiritual "director" of both, or, to put it bluntly, the corrupter of both homosexual predators, and note that despite having been convicted by Justice, he has not yet excommunicated either of those two homosexual predators.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio covered for and hid pedophile Rubén Pardo in the Condarco 581 Priestly Home
The case of the homosexual predator priest Rubén Pardo is also known, who died of AIDS, whom Bergoglio covered up and hid in one of the priestly houses of his diocese, but in this particular case, when the predator died in 2005, the lawsuit was closed and in 2012 the victim won the lawsuit and was compensated and the …More
Bergoglio covered for and hid pedophile Rubén Pardo in the Condarco 581 Priestly Home

The case of the homosexual predator priest Rubén Pardo is also known, who died of AIDS, whom Bergoglio covered up and hid in one of the priestly houses of his diocese, but in this particular case, when the predator died in 2005, the lawsuit was closed and in 2012 the victim won the lawsuit and was compensated and the Argentine Court condemned the diocese of Bergoglio.
Caso Pardo (bishop-accountability.org)

Padre Rubén Pardo – En 2003 se supo que un sacerdote con SIDA –que ya había confesado a un obispo haber abusado sexualmente de un niño– se escondía de la policía en un hogar que pertenecía a la Vicaría del Arzobispado de Buenos Aires, cuyo titular era Bergoglio. Según consta, Pardo daba clases y confesaba en un colegio que quedaba cerca del hogar. Uno de los obispos auxiliares de Bergoglio, con quien se reunía cada 15 días, residía en ese hogar al mismo tiempo que Pardo. Normalmente, el arzobispo tiene que conceder permiso a todo sacerdote para que pueda residir y ejercer sus funciones en la diócesis. Por eso, es poco probable que Pardo residiera y ejerciera en Buenos Aires sin la aprobación de Bergoglio. Ver nuestra cronología del ‘caso Pardo’.
la verdad prevalece
It is impossible for anyone to explain how this contumacious heretic, who covered up several Argentine pedophile priests, having been automatically excommunicated for his multiple heresies and acts of public apostasy in Argentina, who defied divine Natural Law to support gay adoptions in Argentina, sex change and homosexual civil unions, could become the Catholic Pope. It is impossible. This great …More
It is impossible for anyone to explain how this contumacious heretic, who covered up several Argentine pedophile priests, having been automatically excommunicated for his multiple heresies and acts of public apostasy in Argentina, who defied divine Natural Law to support gay adoptions in Argentina, sex change and homosexual civil unions, could become the Catholic Pope. It is impossible. This great deception can only be believed by weak or corrupt minds that have been sealed by the antichrist. Just as a man cannot become a woman, neither can a heretic become a pope. Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology and refuses to call them to repentance - YouTube
3 more comments from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Team Bergoglio” is the plot against the Church by a group of Cardinals who launched a lobbying campaign before the conclave to elect Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
Bull of Pope Paul IV Against Heretics: "Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio" (virgosacrata.com)
Catholic Encyclopedia 1914 (Vol. 11, p. 456):
“It is very clear that the election [as Pope] of a heretic, schismatic or woman would be null and void.”
la verdad prevalece shares this
It is impossible for anyone to explain how this contumacious heretic, who covered up several Argentine pedophile priests, having been automatically excommunicated for his multiple heresies and acts of public apostasy in Argentina, who defied divine Natural Law to support gay adoptions in Argentina, sex change and homosexual civil unions, could become the Catholic Pope. It is impossible. This great …More
It is impossible for anyone to explain how this contumacious heretic, who covered up several Argentine pedophile priests, having been automatically excommunicated for his multiple heresies and acts of public apostasy in Argentina, who defied divine Natural Law to support gay adoptions in Argentina, sex change and homosexual civil unions, could become the Catholic Pope. It is impossible. This great deception can only be believed by weak or corrupt minds that have been sealed by the antichrist. Just as a man cannot become a woman, neither can a heretic become a pope. Bergoglio corrupts young people with Marxist gender ideology and refuses to call them to repentance - YouTube
John A Cassani
They don’t hold the revised Rites to be invalid, as far as I know. Bishop Williamson was interviewed recently, and reiterated that he believes the new Rites are doubtful, the Rite of Episcopal ordination being more doubtful than that for priests. I would think Bergoglio was ordained by a bishop who was consecrated under the old Rite. Of course, anything doubtful is illicit, and they would hold that …More
They don’t hold the revised Rites to be invalid, as far as I know. Bishop Williamson was interviewed recently, and reiterated that he believes the new Rites are doubtful, the Rite of Episcopal ordination being more doubtful than that for priests. I would think Bergoglio was ordained by a bishop who was consecrated under the old Rite. Of course, anything doubtful is illicit, and they would hold that he is doubtfully a bishop. It is hard for me to imagine why they deal with him at all. Lefebvre had decided not to deal with Rome until they came to their senses. Clearly, Rome has not returned to the Faith.
The current SSPX (as opposed to SSPX-Resistance etc.) no longer even require conditional (re)ordination for priests coming over from the novus ordo. The attitude for all the changed sacraments seems to be "hold your nose" but accept they're kind of, sort of, valid. It doesn't seem very well thought-through.
la verdad prevalece
@John A Cassani It does not depend on the bishop who invalidly ordained Bergoglio because they consider the new ordination rite itself invalid, in addition to considering the Novus Ordo mass invalid.
la verdad prevalece
@lancs1 I know that the Fraternity since 2012 made an agreement with Pope Benedict XVI to be recognized by Rome and currently the Fraternity has been divided and there is a resistance group but precisely that resistance group continues to demand conditional (re)ordination for priests but they accept Bergoglio as pope.
Jeffrey Ade
Consider the situation. Most people accept F as pope. What does it matter if you accept him or not, does your faith change one iota? NO!