Messages - Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - Holy Love. Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Grace. She is framed by the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." "I come to you today …More
Messages - Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - Holy Love.

Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Grace. She is framed by the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"I come to you today as your Mother, your Refuge, and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. Jesus sends Me to tell you that unless mankind can recognize his own frailties before God, wars, terrorism and every type of moral degeneration will continue. As it is, man has taken on the role of God, making decisions which protect evil and destroy good."

"Dear children, these days, you are seeking human solutions to spiritual problems. Whole nations worship false gods and make violence into a religion. You concern yourselves with the economy, and yet your nation is spiritually bankrupt. The solution and your security is in your hands. It is the Holy Rosary. With the power of your rosary you can change hearts. You can convict the hearts of world leaders who abuse their authority and compromise Truth. You can convert the hearts of those who believe and obey corrupt leadership. You can stop wars."

"Dear children, I come to you on this Feast of the Most Holy Rosary to emphasize the importance of the rosary in the battle against the evil of these times. Evil is in position within the hearts of many world leaders. Satan's hallmark is confusion and untruth. Leadership is abused when human rights are abused. These days mark the times of far greater abuse of authority than any other. The term 'freedom' has become a catch word for acceptance of sin and atrocious abuse of leadership. God's Truth and His Authority are discounted, while mankind composes his own version of the 'Truth'."

"I tell you, solemnly, unless you pick up your rosaries and engage Satan in battle, grave consequences await you."

I tell you, God has created the whole world for the benefit of mankind, yet man has taken God's Creation and misused it. Man does not see the Hand of God in the creation but, rather, his own human ingenuity. He sees himself as the creator and provider. Mankind does not comprehend his dependency upon God's gratuity, even unto his next breath! It is this attitude which places this generation in a precarious position and unable to distinguish good from evil. It is this attitude which pre-disposes mankind from turning to Me, picking up the rosary and engaging Satan in battle*. Dear children, be careful of this disordered self-dependency. Be God-dependent."

"All of the miracles I have worked throughout the centuries and so often at this site [Maranatha Spring and Shrine] through the grace of God, I count as miniscule compared to the graces poured out through one rosary prayed from the depths of the heart."
🙏 🙏 YES, YES, we must PRAY the ROSARY, and ask Our LADY for her help.....